Chapter 2

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She woke up the next morning and she almost forgot that it was her name day  but Dan couldn’t forget so she found a letter

“You don’t choose the name , it’s chosen for you but still can define a lot what person you are .

 You have a wonderful name as wonderful as the person you are . I’ve known you for a lot of years now and I can tell that you have become more awesome and a lot hell important to me .

You have seen directly at my soul

And I can see the world through your eyes!

Happy name day!


He always surprised her , she almost forget but he never does and the first thing she did was call him

“Hey Dan , the note is great , that’s why u are an awesome  songwriter ! Thank you”

“ You’re welcome ! Sorry I had to leave because of an interview but will come back at lunch time “

“ok we’re going to eat out and celebrate my name day , see u later “

Minutes before she was leaving the house she got a text :

“Happy name day , love !

You know I always want the best for u and  wish u  good luck in everything .

You are and always will be the one for me, no matter what.

Yours always and forever “


Nik is someone from the university , not actually someone he is one of the smartest , hot guys in there who pursues her for months . He has asked her to be his girlfriend but she never said yes. She just texted him back saying thank u .

“ So , you finally came . “

“ I’m sorry Sabina but , u know the interviews they always make more questions than they should “

“It’s okay! I should be used to that now “

After they ordered she was telling him about Nik texting her .

“ Why don’t u give him a chance ? He seems like a nice guy . You’ve always wanted someone like him . ? “

“ Well ,  Nik is smart , handsome , way too handsome but … he doesn’t give me the sparkle , he doesn’t make me flinch , I don’t miss him “

“ You saying those words ?! You are saying that you are not in love with him . Where is the girl who said that love is overrated and its all crap , that we should find someone who just fulfill our ideas of a partner ?  I’m shocked “

“ I do still think that , and I’m not saying that I won’t give him any chance but not just yet “

“Well , well, well ! You are just scared that’s all . You have never had one . You are 21 and u never had a boyfriend . That’s normal right ?” said Dan laughing

“ Yeah it’s normal  and I have a boyfriend is called medicine., so don’t judge other people choices “

“ Ok sorry shouldn’t have said that especially today  but lets change subjects . I have a proposal for u . My neighborhood , u remember the guy living next to me , well he is leaving for USA and he wants to rent his house . So I was thinking to take it because I’d like to make it a studio thing , like we can practice our songs etc and so as u are not finding any  friends and as I’m renting 2 houses I need someone to divide one of the houses  So would u like to be my housemate ? Again ? “

“I …I don’t know what to say . It’s not that I don’t want too but things have changed , we were in collage when we lived  together but now, well, now u are all grown up and u have a life and u may bring girls and … I sound like a stupid little kid right?  but… on the other hand I’m  not finding anyone to divide the house with…”

“ hahahaha bring girls , I never thought  u would say that . Most of the time I wont be at home because we are touring and stuff so u don’t have to worry about that and I know u too well to say that u won’t find any good person to divide the house, not in this little time so … as a friend I’m saying that’s the best option . “

“ Maybe but I need some time to think ,  a week at least , ok ? It’s not that I don’t want to live with u but I don’t want to bother u , I know u are doing that because of me . “

“ Ok , one week ! “ 

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