Chapter 2

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"No one helped me"

Freedom at last as the lunch bell rang.

I grabbed my bag and stumbled out of classroom as quick as possible so I don't get herded with people again.

I went to my locker to find that someone had sprayed slut on it.

What the hell is wrong with people?

Michelle and her groupies walked past me and sneered "didn't know you was a slut PigFace" her mates laughed " thought you had all the innocence and everything." And she shoved me into my locker causing my head to bang off it. Pain shot through me and I grit my teeth.

I've had enough of her

"Well maybe I've learnt from the slut herself considering you've banged everyone in the school including the teachers." I blurted out.

Everyone was crowding round us saying get her Michelle she deserves it!.

Her eyes widened and her face went red. Idiot the voice sneered

She shoved me into the locker harder and two of her friends grabbed my arms to stop me from running away.

I was going to get it. Hard


The air come out of me as she punched me in the stomach.

Again and again she done it and I cried out in pain.

I saw my brother Daniel came towards us he had a concern look,hope fluttered around me as he grabbed her hand and she looked startled.

He looked at me and it went back to a cold stare and whispered in her ear "finish her off."

She smiled sweetly "of course." And he let go of her.

She punched me in the face and tears blurred my vision I could just about see misty figures in my view laughing at me and calling me pussy that I couldn't take a couple of punches.

For the last time she punched me in the stomach and I dropped to my knees and both of the girls let go of me,Michelle dropped to my level and grabbed my hair "your punishment isn't over yet." She said with a fake smile and walked off.

No one helped me.

Not even the teachers that walked past.

No one.

For a couple of minutes I lied there clutching my belly, my breathing came back to normal and wiped my tears off my eyes.

I eased myself off the floor holding onto the padlock that was near to me still holding my belly. As I got up people were staring at me but no one asked if I was okay.

I grabbed my bag and groaned.

The lunch bell rang meaning that lunch was finish, I could of got up sooner.

I just had one lesson left and then I had to get out the school before Michelle and her group came after to me again.

I made my way to library and no one was there except for the librarian Mrs.Olivia-she was so kind to me every time I came here.

She looked up from sorting out books and gave me a warm smile until she saw my face: her face dropped.

"What the hell happened to your face?" She cursed softly reaching up to touch my cheek gently.

I winced it was so tender " I er,banged into a locker really hard because I erm tripped"

"Really now?" Narrowing her eyes "maybe you should go hom-"

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