Game plan

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This story is for my one of my best friends RachelPierce  she is awesome no matter what. love you fam on with the story
*Rachel pov*
"My flight to California is in an hour," you say out loud to yourself.
You get your bag and call an Uber. You look at the convention schedule and go over your game plan. Your phone buzzes and a text on the screen reads, "Your uber has arrived."
You smile and go out the door.

*time passes after flight*

'I'm here in California,' you think to yourself.
Then, your phone buzzes and you see that hotel just booked your room.
"Well that's just peachy," you say out loud, earning a few dirty looks from people passing though.
Then, you get an idea to call your friend Kay. You almost forgot she lives in California.
"Hey Kay, can I stay the weekend with you for pax?"
"I can? Thanks! See you soon!"
You take out your check list and check 'place to sleep.'
'Pax day one is tomorrow,' you think and smile.

Kay got there and took you to the house.
"Welcome home!" she says with a look of pure crazy: the look that you missed.

"So how was the flight?" she asks.
"It was ok, considering I was put in the middle," you say sarcastically.
"It's late, so I'm going to bed," you say with a yawn.
"Ok, sleepy head."
And with that, you head off to bed.

Pax day one
(Beep beep )
"Shut up," you say and throw the alarm across the room.
You get up and shower. Afterwords, you make yourself look good.
"Kay, I'm gone!" you yell and you're out the door.
You walk into the convention with one goal and one goal only: to meet Jack. You take your list and mark off get in and you walk in the sea of people.

You start to fell anxiety, and all of a sudden, you can't breathe when you see Jack. You get pushed all over the place and you start to have anxiety attack. You can't breathe and start to cry. Thankfully, Jack sees you and has you put in the middle of all of it with him, mark, and wade. You get your stuff signed and you are talking with Jack. You are too scared to talk.
"Talk, damn it," you mumble under your breath.

Then, Jack says, "It's okay, what's your name."
You somehow manage to say, "R-Rachel," you say, shaking from where you were crying.
"Well, nice to meet you Rachel!" jack says warmly with his accent and you melt.
"Here, take this," he says, then handing you a little piece of paper
"We have to go," he said secretary.
You look at him as he leaves and then you look at the paper....
It's his number. You fangirl hard, but act cool.

You run to Kay's yelling, " OMGOMG!!!!!!!"
You walk, well, fall, in the door and Kay is on the couch.
You yell, " Igotjacksnumber!!!!!!!"
It takes Kay a minute to process the sentence you said and she says, " No way! Well, call him!"

You take out your phone a type in the number and he answered.
time skip to 1 hour
"You alive in there???" Kay says, knocking on your door.
"No, I'm totally dead," you say sarcastically and Kay runs in and jumps on you.
"stay with me!!!" she said in a silly voice, and all I could do was laugh
"I love you, goofball," you say, hugging her.
"I want food," you say.
"Alright, we get food" she says in a horrible Russian accent and she runs out of the room.
"I go get food" and like that she goes and gets food.

'Soooo, what do I do for the next 20 minutes or so?' you think to yourself.
The first thing that came to mind was Netflix.

That's chapter 1 I hope you like it and be sure to go and give love to RachelPierce plz and thank you

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