Day 2 of pax

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(Beep beep )the alarm goes off and you get up and almost break it, you get up shower and get pretty" Kay I'm gone" you yell once more." Time to see jack" you say as you enter the conversation. You see that your enemy Amber
" hey Kay how are you doing" you ask " fine but Amber was making fun of us again" she says mad " your to protecting of the group" I say and pat her back " the next time I hear that she made fun of us she is dead" she said hitting the table making me jump " understood" I say. " o look at the freaks" said Amber and there goes Kay " Kay stop" I yell "no, Amber you need to stop talking shit on us or else" said Kay " oh no the crazy one wants to fight" and Kay slaps her to the ground.
*end of flashback*
You walk faster when you see her and she stops you " I see that you bodyguards no were to be seen" she said and I just push it off till she hit me " how does that fell freak no one will ever love you " she yells at me" I get up and go find jack with a cut on my check from her claws" what happened " said jack " Amber " you say you see the anger built in his eyes "

" where is she " he said jumping the fence of the signing " there" I point to a girl with long blonde hair and jack runs over to here and says " what makes you think you can hit my friend so hard you cut her" he just said friend omg I'm his friend" well she is a freak" he looks a her and says" she is not a freak she is a good hearted, sweet girl that is just different" " but her friend um.. Kay hit me "

she brought Kay in to it" you deserve the slap" you call Kay to come get you as you run out jack follows you out" Rachel are you ok" he said worried " yea I just want to go home to my friend" "I'll come with you" he said " ok but Kay is a little um different than others" you say trying not to scare him" that's ok" he says as Kay pulls up" where is Amber" she said and I pointed inside and off she goes" I'll be back " she says and 5 minutes later she walks out with blood on her face and hands.

" what did you do " I ask but not scared" I took care of the problem " " ok" you say as you look over to jack who is scared to death" I told you she was different " I say we pull up to the house" is she crazy" he said in a whisper so Kay won't hear" yea I think it's cool" I say out loud and he looks at me scared.

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