New Job, New House

Start from the beginning

They have darker fur,their teeth and claws were very sharp and their eyes were yellow in the glow.

Toby caught off guard when they attacked him and pushed him into the ground
Toby growled and tried to bite them off but nothing happened

They were made out of...shadows

Before Toby could think for the moment
The dogs use their sharp teeth against Toby throw him into the wall
Toby groaned

"Of course" growled Toby
Toby use his powers and say "Leonet !!!"
Its shoot right at the shadowdog and its vanished
"Look out !!!" she yelled at Toby
The leader of the shadowdog bites Toby neck behind
"AHHHHHH LEONET" yelled Toby
The big light hit the leader and its gone
Toby panted from the fight and look at her and smiled

But He went down to his knees
And realized the Leader poison him
He Felt slightly dizzy
And he saw the female dog came towards him
His eyes went slightly closed

Toby began to open his eyes and saw his wounds and the poison was incredibly healed.
"Ummm..." grumbled Toby who's rub his paw in his head
"Hmmm..." Toby wides open and realize what happen and wonders
'Where is she'
He looked around and see he was lying on the bed. It's so soft and warm.He saw the decorations which its pretty amazing he thought.He saw the pines on the top of the bookself.

He knew he was at the sewers

It almost reminds him the time when he and (Y/N) going to the "secret hide out" with Quasimodo and Phoebus to find Esmeralda.When they were young.

He and (Y/N) couldn't imagine about Frollo and Esmeralda been together

"Ewww..." It gives him the hippie jibbies to think about it

He was interrupt when he heard the door opened and saw...her

The dog, he saves from the mysterious black dogs

She has a basket in her mouth

She closed the door and saw Toby awake
"Ohh your awake" she said and put the basket down near Toby.
"I-I got you something to eat..." she said as she look down on the ground

Inside the basket were grapes,
sandwiches,beignets, chesse and bread.
Toby looked at her and said "Thanks..."

It been 30 minutes,Not a single word coming from Toby and a mysterious female dog

"I-I want to t-thank you...for saving me" she said

"No problem and same to you" said Toby

The mysterious female dog smiled

"You have something that you took from them" said Toby seriously

The mysterious female dog faded her smile and said "W-what are you talking about"

"Please miss I here to help and just because I'm dog doesn't mean I'm an idiot " said Toby

The mysterious female dog was shocked and take a deep breath and said "Okay you caught me...I was took something from them...something dangerous they're plotting"
She began tell Toby about what happened

"I was heading towards my home then heard noises in the street.
I turned around and saw someone and so I follow very quietly.
Then I was hiding behind the dark tree and saw a small men was talking to the...voodoo men
And I couldn't see him correctly  because he's hiding in the shadows.They were planning something big.
The man dropped something in the ground which he walks away
'What a clumsy fool'
I look and see...a potion???
I picked it up and putting the potion inside my bag
"Well well well what do we have here" said the voodoo man behind me and makes me gasp
"Hmmm my friends of the other side will take care of you" he said and use his magic and poof the three nasty dogs
And I was running for life and heard the voodoo men laugh
End the Flashback
Toby looked at the potion but saw nothing written and decided to test it later

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