new shoes

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@Harley: hey Ethan can u go with jorgy to get her new shoes because i am going to go get ready for a sleep over

Ethan: umm sure and dose that mean i have to stand in a line

Harley: yup want a chair for you and jorgy

Ethan: yes thank you harley u always come in handy

Harley :hear u go Ethan

Ethan: thanks sis


Jorgey: g this line is to long

Ethan: tell me about it

Jorgy: hay look people are selling there spots cool

Ethan: thats not cool

Jorgy: Ethan can u talk to this little girl shes asking for are spot

Ethan: sorry but no

Jorgy: gess waht Ethan

Ethan: waht

Jorgy: i got the shoes

Ethan: cool... now can we go home 

jorgy: yes but where am i gonna sleep if harly is haveing a sleep-over 

Eathan: we can talk about this when we get thire

jorgy: NO WE CANT

Eathan:JORGY we need to get home mom is most likely worried.. and you know how she is when shes scard

jorgy: yah your right

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