Where Do We Go From Here....

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        After a long and exhausting night I didn't want to get out of bed because I didn't want to leave Roman's arms. But I knew we had to because we needed to check out of the hotel and head to the next town we were gonna be in Manchester England. Roman and I did not have scheduled matches for smackdown, we got up and packed our stuff and decided we needed to travel together to talk about last night.
    As we got in the car Joe ask me if I was okay, yeah I'm fine I told him. He reached over and grabbed my hand and kissed it, he said I'm sorry, I love you and I promise to never hurt you again. I turn to him and said I love you too, but promise me that you will never shut me out like that again. He told me that he promised and said let's have dinner tonight, I laughed and said I think we owe Paige a dinner because we ruined her plans last night. He laughed and said Paige is not my girlfriend though you are. I almost died when he said that, I told him did I hear you right did you just call me your girlfriend. He held my hand and said yes I did and don't you forget it. I smiled and ask him where do we go from here, are we going public or are we still keeping things low key. He looked me in the eyes and said I don't give fuck what galina does to me, as long as I'm with you that's all that matters to me.
     I don't care what people will say I'm happy and it's my life and I don't care who knows it, he said. I told galina about us anyway so we don't have to be a secret anymore, He said. Joe I don't want to cause you more problems than you already have, I told him, I love you and I want what's best for you either way I'm not going anywhere, I said to him. Yeah it wouldn't be so bad if I had made her sign a prenup, he told me. But at the time I thought she loved me, at least that's what you except when someone says they love you when they tell you everyday that they love you, he said.
     We had arrived at the arena in Manchester, we made our way inside holding hands as fans saw us and started cheering for us and asking to take pictures together with them, then we headed inside and went to look for the locker rooms Joe walked me to mine and hugged me and said I love you as he kissed me, I told him I love you too see you in a little bit. Roman and I had interviews and luckily we were doing them together and get to spend more time together before the house show starts tonight. I got dressed we have to dress business casual to these types of events.
      I made my way to the red carpet event that was set up for us it was amazing it was like being at the red carpet for wrestlemania just not as dressed up. I posed for the photographers that were there and made my way down the line for my interviews. I got to my first stop when someone came up to me and kissed me on the cheek and said I looked beautiful, I turned to see who the person was and it was Joe, oh my god I said you scared me. The interview person just laughed and said oh wow that was unexpected, for sure I said as I laughed. Because of that she went right into the personal questions.
Interviewer: would you like to tell us what that was about?
Kianna: I laughed he's just being friendly, he's such a charmer.
Interviewer: it doesn't look that way is there something we should know about the 2 of you?
Kianna: I laughed and said not at the moment no. My gosh do you hear this crowd I said as I changed the subject.
Interviewer: well it was a pleasure speaking with you today.
Kianna: you too. I made my way down to the next interviewer.
     I stopped to take more pictures and posed for the cameras and went on to the next interview. I finally made it to the end of the interviews when someone decided to crash it and make it all about him.
Interviewer: so tell us something about yourself that you would like us to know?
Kianna: I'm not a morning person I said as I laughed.
Interviewer: what can we expect from you in the coming months?
Kianna: well you expect to see more matches and me working with primo and epico.
Roman: you can expect to see her being the next women's champion.
Interviewer: Roman reigns nice of you to join us, how do you know kianna?
Roman: she's the love of my life, and she is gonna be the next big thing in the women's division that you have seen since the Bellas.
Kianna: he's just saying that because he's got jokes.
Interviewer: wow I wasn't expecting for you to say that clearly there is something in the works with the 2 of you, do you care to shed some light on that?
Roman: the whole world will know soon enough.
Kianna: he's talking crazy.
Interviewer: can we see the 2 of you working together in the near future?
Roman: anything is possible in the wwe.
      After the interviews we made our way back to the arena to get ready for the show to start. I went to change in my ring attire and went to hair and makeup, once I was done in hair and make up I went over to catering because I couldn't remember when the last time I eat. I sat down with the usos and banks when the usos ask, hey so what's the deal Kiki, whatcha y'all talking about,I said you know what we talking you and our cousin homie, they ask. Oh I said you gotta ask him. Man, why you gotta be like that, they said. Because that's how I roll, I said as I laughed, man you tripping dog we ain't gonna say nothing, they said. Still ask Joe I told them. Joe had walked up and that's when the usos laid into him, what up uce they said, what up bro, Joe said as he sat next to me and made me sit on his lap, as he kissed my cheek. Bro tell Kiki it's okay to tell us that y'all are a couple, they said. I rolled my eyes and said here we go again. Joe laughed and said the whole world knows about it already anyway so what's the big deal. How in the hell does everyone know, I ask Joe just laughed and said I tweeted it. What the fuck, thanks for telling me you ass, I said. Every body started laughing I don't know why y'all are laughing for, I said when you in a relationship both parties involved should know before you make it public.
   Chill babe Roman said, what did you tweet I ask him. I just tweeted a picture of us and said I would like the world to meet my girlfriend. Aww Sasha said that's so sweet, yeah I guess it is I said. After we were done eating we went to the viewing area holding hands and people looking at us like we were crazy for going public with our relationship. The usos and Mercedes aka Saha banks were talking about how we needed to celebrate this happy achievement. Roman and I were talking amongst ourselves about our dinner plans, when jimmy uso throw a napkin at me but he meant to throw it at Joe, hey what, I said oh my bad Kiki I didn't mean to hit you, he said. Joe just laughed and said what up uce. What y'all love birds gonna do tonight, jimmy ask. None of your business I said.
   Then my boys primo and epico came over and said damn Kiki we didn't know you and Roman rolled like that, we can't believe that you would not tell us something like this. Whatever I said somethings you just have to keep to yourself as I kissed Roman on the lips. I said alright y'all assholes we can do whatever y'all want to do only if my boys epico and primo get to come, we down the usos said. I would love to stay and chat I said but we got a match that's next so we out, Joe got up hugged me and said good luck as he smacked my ass. My boys had a match with the new day, the match lasted about 10 minutes my boys pulled out the win no thanks to Xavier woods trying to cheat so I had to get involved and in honor of the new boyfriend I speared his ass into the steel steps.
    I made it back stage and everyone was going nuts because I speared Xavier woods, damn Kiki nice work the usos said. Joe came up to me and lifted me up and kissed me and said damn baby you made that spear look sexy. I try I said, well I gotta hit up the restroom and head back out there. My match I had with Sasha was next and I couldn't wait because we bring out the best in each other when we're in the ring together. I went to pee and Roman had a water waiting for me, thanks love I said as we walked hand and hand to the curtain he kissed my forehead and said knock em died and stop stealing my move, he laughed. You're just jealous because I make your moves look better than you, I said as I laughed. My match went on for about 15 minutes because Sasha and I kept kicking out and the crowd was loving it. Sasha finally got the drop on me and did the bank statement on me and got the pin and won the match.
    I headed back to the locker room to change for tonight and I wanted to catch Roman's match as well. His match was him and rusev it was the main event. I showered and got dressed and did my makeup and went to watch Roman's match. I got to the viewing area and cararno was waiting for me, oh snap what happened now I said to myself. Hey how you doing tonight Kianna, ask me. I'm good thanks for asking I replied. Well I'm gonna cut to the chase here because, we know about you and Roman reigns. I was so nervous about what he was gonna say next, we wanted to see how the fans would respond to having you go out there tonight to interfere in his match tonight. Have you ask him how he would feel about that, I ask. Yep and he thinks it's a great idea. Okay than I said. Oh one more thing cararno ask, how would you feel about appearing on the next season of total divas. Ummm I'm not sure I mean I would have to talk to Roman about it first because he is apart of my life. I understand he said talk it over with him and let me know.
    Roman's match went on for a while I was supposed to go out there when I saw Lana slap Roman. I waited for about 8 minutes and ran out there when I saw Lana slap my boo. My music hit and the crowd went nuts they didn't know how to react and started chatting this is awesome, I grabbed Lana by the arm and slapped her in the face and she pushed me than I got up and speared her and I kept slamming her head into the floor repeatedly. Roman superman punched rusev and won, he got out the ring to break up me and Lana he pulled me off of her and was laughing at the same time. He said damn baby. We headed back stage, while I was waiting for Joe to finish showering I had to touch up my makeup and hair.
  We left the arena and headed to have dinner together, dinner was so nice and romantic I felt like I could trust him again. We headed to the club where we were meeting up with everyone. When we got there everyone was already drunk off their asses, Joe and I started drinking and talking with everyone there when after an hour of being there we decided to go back to the hotel, on the car ride to the hotel I told Joe that cararno ask me if I wanted to be on the next season of total divas. He said oh yeah what did you tell him, I told him I needed to talk to you about it first.
Why would you need to talk to me about it for he ask. Because your apart of my life as my boyfriend, they're probably gonna want to film you because you're the champion. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, I told him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it and said I'll do it for you, because I only want the best for you.
   We got to the hotel and went straight to our room or more like my room, I'm so exhausted I said out loud. Aww come on Joe said, hey you're not the one who had 3 matches tonight, so bite me, I said. He laughed at me whatever I said. I walked into the bathroom to change and take off my makeup, when there was white rose petals everywhere there were even rose petals in the shower in a shape of a heart, Joe came in and turned the shower on and said for me to get in. He got in with me and started kissing my neck as he massaged my body feeling his hands on my body made me feel so comfortable that I turned around and jumped on him and started making out with him. We made our way to the bed Joe tossed me on the bed as I giggled and felt him on top of me. He told me he loved me and I rolled on top of him and told him I love you too, feeling his hand on my body as he smacked my ass. I dug my nails into his chest as I said don't stop. We rolled over and he bent me over the bed as he pulled my hair and said I want you to have my baby.
    We stopped and I said as I laughed why would you say that, he said why would I say what he ask. You said you wanted me to have your baby, I told him, yeah so what if I do, there's nothing wrong with that. Umm yeah there is I'm not ready to have kids yet, I mean I do want kids and I want them with you, but can you at least give me 2 or 3 years first. He laughed and kissed me as he wrapped his arms around me said we'll do whatever you want to do, I told him I loved him and went to sleep.

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