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Dear Diary,

Time has been flying by. It still feels like just yesterday I was sitting around waiting to head off to college. Tanning in the backyard in the warm summer sun and hauling boxes to the truck. Now I have been here at college for almost a whole semester. All the final exams are looming, as well as the horrid looking ten page papers, the 2000 word exegetical essays and more. Not that Bible college has been bad, it sure has been interesting in every which way and I have been growing a ton, in nearly every way possible. Well, a pound and a half anyways. Not too bad for being at college and eating cafeteria food, though not good thing for sure. I can’t believe I made it into the production cast, and that all the practices are and the show its self are already behind me. I still can’t get over the fact I passed my midterms, they where stinking hard! Since the midterm break is over everyone is busy doing all the homework they have been procrastinating on. I have been busy as well of course. Though it’s kind of nice because I can’t get distracted by P.B. Double A and T.B. now. Which is a blessing and a sad thing all at once. Though I still can’t get my roommates comment out of my head. How I should just marry a pastor instead of getting my B.A. Though it would be awfully nice... Though that’s not the point!!!! If God wants’ me to marry a pastor then I will without complaint. (Because obviously I would be in love with him, duh) If not I need to do my best to follow his guidance so I can go into ministry by myself if need be! Oh geeze, not this again...



Setting down her Journal Louella let out a sigh as she twirled the pen around on her fingers. Rolling onto her back she gazed up at her dorm room ceiling. Being at college was for sure changing everything. For starters Nolan had barley been texting, mostly due to the fact that when Lou had gone home for Thanksgiving break he had neglected to say farewell to her when she was leaving church because he had met a new “amazing” girl that was “really cool”. Needless to say Louella had been slightly wounded that even on a basic friendship level to be dropped in such a way. Though college was keeping her busy enough to let the dejection quickly slip away.

Besides, there were plenty of other challenges, interesting things and obstacles to keep Louella busy. Like the fact that Louella was paired with a roommate that had thought she was a morning person, until she met Louella who liked to wake up at 6:30am and quickly decided that she was indeed a night person. Though it was too late for her. “Well... Morning means in the morning... You know, when the sun rises!” Louella remembered telling her roommate when they were discussing her early rising. They had to make changes to Louella’s morning routine to allow her roommate maximum sleep time. This meant that Lou did not get any coffee in the morning. Not ANY! Not a single little drop! Now that is a supreme sacrifice for a college student that no one should take lightly.

Letting out a sigh Louella rolled back onto her stomach. It was cold out side, -20c to be exact with a foot of snow on the ground. The cold alone was a good enough reason to stay curled up in the dorm room, and the snow just helped solidify the fact. “It doesn’t even matter if T.B. or P.B. are in the Ad, I am staying right here!”  Louella mumbled to herself. Now P.B. and T.B. where Louella’s college crushes. Being a red blooded human female it was a normal thing. Any female that denied having crushes wouldn’t really be honest with herself, even if it was just “admiring from afar”. Louella was hoping to become friends with the two young men and be quite content with that.  As Lou had quite enough to worry about with academics alone.

Though it wasn’t just academics that Lou was worried about. It was also about the fact on what she really did want to do with her life. Now all first years had gone on missions trips on their third week into college. It had been a great time for Lou, doing inner city work with the homeless and many different shelters and soup kitchens. It was work that Lou had done before and was comfortable with doing. Though the mission team had been anything but desirable as the girls on the team decided they liked to spend more time complaining and whining and flirting with the four year leader, P.B., than actually serving, using their hands and feet to show Christ’s love to everyone that they met. This had irked Louella to no end, yet she silently dealt with it, just fuming to her journal. Though that wasn’t enough for the girls. They had decided to bash Lou in front of the whole mission team once back at college. Saying that Lou had done rude and unnecessary things. In utter shock Louella said not a word, as she hadn’t done those things, and if she had done them they were things that where small and not big enough to be brought in front of a whole group, but would be better suited to be addressed one on one with a person.  Needless to say Louella took her time to avoid those girls around college now which really wasn’t quite hard. Yet it wasn’t the best thing to do. Especially at a place that strived to build community and acceptance amongst its students.

“I guess some things just can’t be helped...” Louella thought glumly. She really didn’t like anything about the way her mission team did not get along. Especially after the fact that her mission team to Berlin had been so great, having an un-unified team was a large disappointment. Though it really was only a fact of life. You can’t expect great things from everything and everyone all the time. You simply have to take what you can get and be content with what you have. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2011 ⏰

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