Suprise Motherfuckahs!

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I yawned as I got up from my position.
All family members of The Wine head and dirty blonde fell to The Porch.
"Iteeee" whined Kankuro as he rubbed his head.
Rasa and Gaara stayed quiet but rubbing their heads along with Temari.
I rolled my eyes as I went to the kitchen to  make breakfast.
I simply made pancakes with eggs and steak.
I got everyone Water.
After setting down everything the family ran In with a desire for food in their eyes.
You could fucking see animals behind them.
I shivered and just Sat in my seat that was next to Gaara's.
Gaara had a smile on his face along with the others as they ate and talked to each other like there was no tomorrow.
And there I was ruffling Gaara's hair and saying good bye as I got ready to leave for my team 7 meeting.
But unfortunately ANBU came to my door.
"Naru-Sama Hokage-Sama would like to see you in his office with NO Henge. Please do be there in 5 minutes or now."
I groaned but non the less got out of my Henge again! T°T.why do you hate me so much Hurizen!?
I just wanna be young and beautiful again!?

why do you hate me so much Hurizen!?I just wanna be young and beautiful again!?

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(Yes I used Asuna's look from SAO, I just thought it was cute)

I shunshined to Hurizen's almost my Office.
Knocking on the door I opened it and just spoke.
"Hurizen Sarutobi you better have a good explanation on why I'm yo!"
But inside the office was just my team along with the other teams........
I ran to the window to try and jump out.
But Hurizen and some ANBU got a hang of me.
I screamed as I tried kicking them.
"Sorry Naru-Sama but We can't let that happen!"
Said the One in the Bird mask.
I rambled.
And that was when all of the let go of me except of Hurizen.
He sighed then spoke,"Sigh.....Just listen you Idiot!"
I started to calm down But I glared at Hurizen.
"Ummm who is this girl?"
Asked Sakura.
We all looked at her and had a 'Bitch-Really' look.
"Well introduce yourself Hime!" intervened Hurizen.
Sighing I did as told,"My Name is Naru Uzumaki.
And well you guys know me as Dead Last Uzumaki.
Well here's something for you guys so bow to!
I'm older then you Rookie 9."
All were quiet until,"EHHHHHHHHH!?!?"
Covering my ears, I growled.
And that shut everyone up.
They all mumbled and I sighed.
Then I turn to Hurizen,"So what did You want me here for Hurizen? I have the paperwork you sent me this morning. Then I have to go to the hospital and help out there and then I have to go Suna to go over the plan."
He let out a nervous laugh.
"W-Well We want you to tell them your SECRET."
"We?" I questioned.
He cleared his throat,"Well Rasa and His Family along with the council and me."
My eye twitched as I thought of a torture plan for him.
"Maybe I could triple his training......" I mumbled but Hurizen could hear me and he shudders.


"Did you guys feel that?"
Asked Temari as she and the guys in her family shudder too.
"You think she found out?"
Asked Gaara.
By then Kankuro turns to their dad,"Hey Dad so are you guys gonna admit that Naru is our mom?"
Rasa went red,like.....Kushina's hair or a tomato....
"W-What are you talking about?"
Stuttered the Wine haired father.
All three kids had a sly smile and then one by one they shunshined to a certain blue eyed Hokage.


Suddenly the door is busted open by three certain Sabuku's.
Bursted a Makeup wearing Kitty and a Blonde Fan user.
And a quiet Sand user who came in quietly but had a small smirk.
"Ho~ Naru so you and Rasa are a thing? Why didn't you tell me?"
Asked Hurizen smugly.
A scowl made it's way my face.
But my face said it all.
Rasa came running in next.
"S-Sorry Naru-Chan.....they shunshined over here and I ran instead because Raiden did something to my body.
He-he bit me!"
He gasped for air.
Spoke the Team Leader Jonins.
Rasa turned to them,"W-what do you want?! I Just ran here! And that dumb ass Demon cat Tora FUCKING DECIDES TO JUMP ON MY FACE WITH CLAWS OUT!!"

And on his head said it all.
It had some blood coming down.
I rolled my eyes as I walked over to hum and healed his face.
"Ne...this Naru seems mire Mature...and Nicer..."
Mumbled Sakura and everyone nodded.
"Her hair is pretty!" squealed Ino quietly.
"I like her outfit it's perfect for battle!" whispered TenTen to Hinata.
Hinata nodded in agreement as I just finished up patching Rasa.
I heard him whisper,"thanks Love.."
I nodded slowly and looked back at Hurizen.
I was Holding Rasa's Hand up.
"I,Naru Uzumaki am the Wife of Rasa no Sabuku!
And The 5th Hokage Of Konoha!"
I informed to everyone in the room.
They were all still and quiet....."EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!?"
Yes even Gaara,Sasuke, and Neji, and Shino screamed.
Gaara was baffled along with Hurizen.
"I didn't know you guys married!!"
Questioned/yelled Gaara.
Rasa rubbed the back of his head.
"Yeah.....Ahahaha we were gonna tell you on Naru-Chan's 18th birthday next week..."
Hurizen huffed in anger.
"You didn't even get my approval! Rasa!! Your lucky I ship You two!! Oh and Also Anko you own me for the bet."
In the Corner a woman with a snake mask came out grumbling but handing Hurizen money.
I was smiling.......waiitttt,"WAIT You USED ME AS A BET!?!"
I yelled in anger.
And a dark aura surrounding me.
"w-well it was anko who started it!!"
Claimed Hurizen.
Anko shuddered as she jumped out the window probably to her boyfriend, Ibiki.
I clicked my tongue as she escaped.
I'll get you later Anko!
Anyway back to the Rookie Nine.
"Troublesome...." mumbled Shikamaru.
I rolled my eyes and said,"Shikamaru Nara you better get home or your mom will kill you for being late for Lunch!"
He shuddered and ran out the office,home.
You could feel the Im-not-gonna-die-today aura around's funny.
"Same goes to you brats too...but I want Sasuke to stay back."
I declared.
Were gonna have a very long talk.

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