Zombocalypse: THE ORIGINAL

452 10 15

January 12, 2013

"Mom! I don't have time! I have - to go!" I yelled out as she attempted to fix my hair. She continued to cry out, "Hold still!" over and over again. I eventually broke free from her grasp.

"I'll fix it later, God..." I watched, as the black Altima began to drive away into the thick fog. I sighed, and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I turned, and quickly made my way towards the school entrance. I pulled the door open, and stepped inside.

Just as I was about to turn to go into my homeroom, the assistant principal walked by, and gave me a look of concern.

"Great..." I said under my breath, as the administrator eased his way towards me.

"Hey - it's 7:15 already. Go get a tardy slip," he said with a bit of annoyance in his voice and pointed at the attendance office.

I let out a long sigh, and slowly walked towards the office. I stopped in front of the large wooden doors, and hesitated for a bit.

My hand finally reached the metal handles, and pulled. Walking inside the main office, I noticed a very unusual odor fill the room.

"Uh, hello?" I leaned against the blue countertop, and scoped my surroundings. To my right, I noticed a large white binder that was overflowing with various papers, on a wooden chair.

Looking up, I noticed that the two computers had a blue screen with white numbers and symbols streaming down the screen quickly.

"Weird..." I found this extremely peculiar, for I knew that none of the computers here at school did that.

I jumped up in fright as I heard a loud crash come from another part of the office. I dropped my backpack to the linoleum floor, and walked towards the source of the noise.

"H-hello?" I said shakily. More crashing was heard, and I thought that it'd be best to just leave. Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to just find out what was behind all the racket.

"No! Stop - AGHHH!" A high-pitched scream was heard. I quickly ran towards the noise, and stopped in my tracks when I realized it was the principal being 'attacked'.

"No - please!" Her voice was muffled, and I couldn't make out exactly what she said. Another scream, and then a long, hollow SNAP.

I listened, mortified by what I just heard. My entire body shook in fear, as everything became dead silent.

'Amber! Don't open the door, don't open the door, don't open the door!' my conscious yelled out. But before I knew it, my hand found the cold metal doorknob, and twisted it.

The door creaked as I opened it. The entire room was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything whatsoever.

I suddenly gagged, for that 'unusual odor' I had came across before, was back - although, it was even worse.

I covered my nose with my hand, and desperately searched for the light switch. I flipped the light back on, as soon as I found it.

A bone-chilling scream was heard, and it took a moment to realize that that scream, had come from me.

The sight of that... That creature, made me want to run away in terror - but I couldn't. I was paralyzed with fear. The thing began shrieking in pain as the light began to scorch it - causing it's skin to smoke and bubble. It's decayed skin turned from dark green, to black, as it slowly formed into ashes.

Blood soaked the opposite side of the room, and I clearly saw a hand behind the desk. The lights went out as soon as I ran towards the door that led out to the hallway. It refused to budge an inch.

Zombocalypse: THE ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now