Chapter 1

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Peter's POV

It was indeed the right time to gather some recruits.

I watched the night sky fall over a village. The streets begun to be left empty. The lights in the buildings were completely off. The stars twinkled in the sky guiding me through the night.

I saw Felix as he hid under a wall and looked at me with curiosity. I gave him a smile on my face as I motioned for him to follow me. I wanted to show Felix how my enchanting pipe works on other boys on how it all happened.

We put our hoods on from our cloaks and we walked around the dusty, empty streets.

" What do you have in mind Pan? " , he whispered

" Simple. We gather up our lost brothers. " , I said

" Are you sure that pipe will bring them out? " , he asked with curiosity

I looked at him and gave a smirk before motioning for him to come to a spot near the town center.

" What did I tell you Felix? " , I asked him

He smiled at me and nodded.

" Peter Pan never fails. " , he recalled

" Aye that's a good laid. " , I said patting his back. " Now go along and gather some wood for the fire while I prepare for our guests. "

Felix nodded and went on his way.

I remembered when I first saw Felix. He was the first lost boy that came to me and since that day I told him about how I would gather some other boys to join him and so I did.

But tonight I needed him to help the new incoming ones prepare for their new life ahead.

Later on, Felix brought in scented apple wood for the fire and made a spark rubbing some rocks. Soon a mini fire was made. I threw in some magic just to make it bigger, but not that big to awaken the town.

Felix nodded his head as he made sure his hood was on his head was secured. I did the same putting my brown hood over just to cover half of my face.

I knew people in this town knew who I was and the stories they heard of me. I was pretty much known everywhere I go and I loved seeing people's fear in their eyes. It made me realize that I held power in their life.

I had to admit, being a villian was fun.

I looked around to see of anyone was around and when I saw that it was clear, I took out my pipe.

My pipe was very special to me, for it could only be played by me. It was given to me by an old friend and he enchanted it to be sure that only lost ones would hear it. It was mostly boys who came along. I never saw a girl come to the campfire.

I placed my hands on the notes and begun to play a soft harmony for a clear night.

It wasn't long before I saw windows opening and doors swinging opens as boys in every age came out in some way and made their way to my little bonfire. They looked like zombies in their nightgowns as they were enchanted by my music. Felix gathered them around and handed out masks and capes as he motioned for them to dance around the fire and so they did.

I played the music to an upbeat a but, but kept it slow and smooth. The boys then begun to dance around the fire and made noises as they cheered for fun. Soon more boys came along and they would join in the fun.

I heard laughter, feet stomping, clapping, and singing.

Wait singing?

I stopped playing my pipe for a while as I overlooked the boys standing near a wall clapping along and I saw a figure in a black cloak. I didn't quite excatly got the face, but it sounded like a girl's voice.

She stood still by the gate as she watched the boys dance around the fire and she looked at me with her crystal blue eyes and that was the only thing that I saw from the girl.

She had a black hood on her head and I only saw half her face and she smiled as she walked away into a different direction. She seemed very beautiful and her mysterious presence sent sparks up my skin, but her voice grabbed my attention.

It was a strong voice, but she sang softly and smooth as it went along with my pipe like she was enchanted as well.

I knew from that moment on I had to find that girl. I wanted her voice. I wanted to see her image. I wanted to know who she was and her past. I wanted to know how she heard my music and why her voice was enchating to me.

Something was different when she sang, and I was determined to take the girl with me.

I only wanted her.

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