Lets learn why Im messes up!

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Hey guys! It's me! So my 'friend' Skylarthor tagged me so I have to do 10 facts about myself....but first let's get my least favorite part out of the way, time for the rules.
1: Post ten facts about yourself
2: Tag 7 other people to do this
3: No tag backs
4: Put a random picture
5: Be creative with title
6: Put into book
7: Post rules

Fact 1: I suffer from depression
Fact 2: Levi, from Attack on Titan, is my bae, I love him
Fact 3: I hate watching Anime with other people (I'm weird that way)
Fact 4: I need 3-4 hours of privacy EACH day (again my life is messed up)
Fact 5: Emarldsage101 showed me Wattpad
Fact 6: I go by the motto, Anime is love, Anime is life
Fact 7: My dad left me (don't ask why, I don't know)
Fact 8: I like the dark better than the light
Fact 9: I'm a clean freak
Fact 10: I have nightmares EVER night, I'm used to it by now
Now that is over with..........7 people are down below, you don't have to do this if you don't want to
1: _CreepypastaFanfic_
2: Celestial_Wolfz
3: Whamelie
4: Whatevezzz
5: xx_Le_Marionette_xx
6: WildFireHeartx

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