"No I'm not" he retorted.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. You probably won't even remember this". There was no response and then I heard more scuffling before the line went dead. I laughed at the fact that somewhere in his drunk stupor he managed to hang up o me.

"What you laughing at?" Jordan called to me from the bathroom, I joined her and began to brush my hair out.

"Nothing". I desperately tried to avoid her gaze, I was never keen on delving into my personal life, even if it was with my best friend.

"Oh Marshall! You're so cute and hilarious!"She mocked me and pretended to swoon and falling backwards.

"Mike, I know we've only being going out for just over a week but I think I'm i love with you!" I mocked her right back and we both cracked up at our somewhat accurate imitations. The thing I loved the most about Jordan and I's friendship is we always knew how to make fun of each other and joke around, without taking it too far.

"At least I'm honest about it" she raised her eyebrow at me, trying to provoke a reaction out of me.

"Would you look at that, time for bed. Night Jords". Quickly I kissed her cheek and practically ran out of the bathroom and into my bedroom shutting my door behind me. I heard her grumble to herself as she passed my room.


I woke to a constant obnoxious ringing from somewhere within my bedroom. "Urghh" I groaned at my rude awakening.

"CASSIE! Shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep!" Jordan yelled at me from her bedroom. I felt bad because our apartment walls were annoyingly thin and I didn't mean to wake her. Finally I located the source of the noise, my cellphone.

"Hello?" groggily I spoke into the phone without even checking the call I.D.

"Finally you picked up. Did you just wake up? It's 1 pm" a gruff voice spoke into the phone.

"Uh yeah, it's my day off. Wait-who's this?"

"Paul Rosenberg".

That woke me up as quickly as anything else could, I cleared my throat and spoke in the most professional voice I could muster. "Hi Paul, so sorry about that" I lied, truthfully I was mad that I was being called when I wasn't working. "We're you trying to contact me earlier?"

"Yes. Sorry I'll only be able to talk briefly with you, very busy day today. Marshall is in New York now and has a press conference later today with Dre for the Up in Smoke Tour, we need you to be there".

"I can-" I started before I was cut off.

"I'm aware this is very late notice, but we need you to help the two prepare, and release a statement of your own".

"No worries, I can make it. Where and when is it?" Considering the late notice I began to get ready as I was on the phone, expecting him to say some ridiculous time.

"London Hotel in one and a half hours. We need you to come down as soon as possible, go to the reception desk and ask for me, make sure to give your name. Thanks Cassie" He rushed off the phone. I hurried to get ready, throwing on a tight fitting black skirt, white chiffon blouse and a black blazer with red heels. Even though I had to dress fairly plain and professional for work, I tried to look as good as I could. I ran out of the apartment with my work bag in tow without even saying goodbye to Jordan, she'd have fallen asleep again anyway. After hailing a cab and telling them to head to the London Hotel as fast as they could, I'd arrived at my destination thirty minutes after Paul's call. This was practically an impossible time considering I lived in New York City and there was always traffic. I followed Paul's instructions and was led to the press conference room by the receptionist. The room was all set up with rows and rows of chairs and a stage with a long table and microphones, but the press hadn't arrived yet. In the far corner of the room I spotted a group of people I assumed to be Marshall and Dre's team all talking and preparing themselves for the conference. As I walked over I couldn't spot Marshall however I could spot Paul, his tall figure clearly standing out from the group.

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