I on the other hand, was mesmerized. Watching my father helping this stranger was intriguing. Somehow the potential danger of the situation was replaced by excitement. I studied this stranger as he got out of the truck. His dark hair was pulled back in a small ponytail revealing wavy sideburns and curly fuzz alone his neckline. Large broad shoulders sat statuesque-like on his muscular build. He towered over my father who only stood five foot seven inches. This guy must have been six foot four or more. He had a swagger about him that just howled of masculinity. I must say he filled out his acid rock T-shirt and boot-cut jeans…perfectly. This guy was rugged in all the wrong ways, and a five o’clock shadow that beckoned me to see what 9 a.m. looked like…

“Ashley! Stop day dreaming and give me a hand with this stupid pull-out!” Zach yelled out as the seat cushions stuck to the back jamming the accordion mechanism from unfolding with ease.

“I’m sorry, is there something wrong with the way your arms work?” I hollered back.

“Whatever, you’re totally useless…thanks.”

Finally--now, where was I? Ah yes…the stranger. He hunched over the grill of the truck with my dad poking around the engine. I watched as the stranger pulled out the oil stick and wiped it clean with the bottom of his shirt revealing his exquisite set of abs.  I could have watched this show for days. 

“Um, looks like someone has forgotten about their boyfriend…” heckled Jess, “You still remember him don’t you?”

Mom looked up from her magazine and gave me that look from the corner of her eyes.

“What?” I asked pathetically.

“That guy looks at least twenty five, don’t even think about it.” She said with sort-of serious sarcasm.

I watched my dad talk to the stranger a little more. They exchanged a few laughs before my dad walked him over to the side of the trailer. I went over, unlocked it, and let the door swing open.  Dad stood there with the stranger right behind him.  I gulped as I became face to face with this remarkably handsome stranger. Up close he had deep set eyes behind a broad nose and a strong square jaw. There was nothing about this guy that was subpar. Dad started up the steps and back into the trailer, kicking his boots on the side of the door frame before wiping them on the rubber mat.  My mother whipped around to see what’s going on.

“We’re gunna give him a tow over to the shipyard, his truck isn’t going nowhere…”

“William!” My mother screeched in the lowest possible voice, “Are you crazy? It’s passed midnight!”

Dad just shrugged. “It’s only another twenty minutes away, besides, I have my AK-47 in the back.”

Mom shot him a lethal look under her eye brows. “Make it fast, shall we?”

The stranger still stood outside waiting for dad to go back out to hook up the ball and hitch.  Dad sauntered out with his flashlight and dug out the hitch from the undercarriage. Another half hour into the night, and my heart was still racing, anticipating the stranger having to sit in the cabin with us all the way to the shipyard. Dad and the stranger returned wiping their grease covered hands on filthy old shop rags.

The rest of us just stood there in mild shock as dad let the man into the rig. I backed away and planted a seat on the hideaway behind the captain’s chair, heart pounding.

Dad walked passed us to introduce the stranger as he climbed his way up into the vehicle. “Everyone, this is  Blaine, Blaine this is everyone…”

Jessica quickly sat next to me scrunching next to me on the already tiny couch. She kept pinching me with the same enthusiasm as a school girl whose light bulb just went off after seeing a really hot guy. 

Mom politely looked back and gave Blaine a half-assed smile. “Welcome...” she mustered, rolling her exasperated gaze over to my father.

“Look, Thank you so much, I really appreciate this…” Blaine finally spoke with a burly, deep voice.  “I’m so sorry.”

            Dad pointed over to the kitchen nook that was situated in front of me giving two more seats available. “There…have a seat over there. We’ll be there in just a few minutes…” my dad said, as he nervously turned the key, revved up the engine, and shifted into reverse before driving off. 

            Those were the longest “few” minutes of my life. I tried not to look at Blaine even though he sat just a few feet in front of me. He made me feel guilty and I have no clue who he was. I waited until he looked out the window before I feasted my eyes upon him. I looked down at his vein-y hands that had wide palms and flat fingertips--definitely working hands. He apparently had a love for chunky silver rings in the shape of skulls, and he was upholstered in Celtic braded leather and chains.

Jessica kept pinching my side as she knew what I was up to.  I pinched her back followed by a scowl so not to make a commotion, but it didn’t work. I froze…he turned and looked dead straight at me.  I couldn’t look away like I did before. His face was practically carved by gods, and his pheromones smelled of a bitter spice that was quite delectable to say the least. He shot me a quick smile before breaking his gaze. It was entirely awesome. For once a really hot guy actually noticed me.  Nah, he had no choice, he had to sit front of me right?

“That’s ok mam; I’ll just walk from here…”

“Are you sure?” my mom asked, “Do you need to use a phone?”

Blaine grunted as he sat up, “No, that’s ok. It’s not far from here, I’ll be fine.” He turned and looked back at me with a smile, “It was a pleasure...thanks for the ride.” he opened the door and ducked his head through the narrow doorway. Zach jumped out of his seat to shut the door and lock it.

“God, that was creepy.” Zach retorted with a deep breath.

And just like that, he was gone.

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