Am I really ready?

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As soon as The plane landed everyone woke up and started talking about the concert in New York everyone was excited but loren was a little scared she tried to play it off but Eddie knew she was scared.

Eddie:"You ok babe?"

Loren: "Never better.....why you ask?"

Eddie: "Because Loren, I know you and I no you are scared because the crowd is a little bigger then what your normally used to but you are going to do great and I will be right there by your side so when ever you get scared just look at me ok."

Loren: " Ok thank you for believing in me so much babe."

Eddie: " Well that's easy because I no your gonna kill it on that stage just like you did last night!" ( he kisses her)

Max: "Yeah loren eddies right you did so great last night and you have so much talent that I no for a fact that you have nothing to worry about!"

Nora:" Max is right sweetie you looked so comfortable up there you just gotta be yourself and they will love you like we do"

Kelly:" They're right loren you are gonna kill it! the ticket sales from last nights concert was through the roof your a star and don't for get that!"

Loren: " Thanks Guys this is all so amazing I still can't believe we are landing in 5 minutes!"

Eddie: " Well believe it Ms. Tate. And look out the window." (Shows that famous smile he is known for)

Loren : looked out the window and seen more than a dozen screaming fans waiting for her and Eddie to land at the airport. The fans had posters that said "LEDDIE" , "LOREN TATE", and "WELCOME BACK EDDIE" loren looked at Eddie and was speechless until she got out the words to say "is this all for us?"

Eddie: "yes but it's mostly for you"

With that Eddie kissed loren and the plane landed. Loren and Eddie got off the plane last and went to go sign some autographs and take pictures with their fans until jake and Kelly said it was time to get to the hotel.

Loren(thoughts) I love Eddie with all of my heart and all of my soul he is my other half but if we are gonna be sharing a room together at the hotel will I be ready? Or am I ready? I love him and I want him to be the person I give myself to but is know the right time? Wait loren you don't even know yet if you will be sharing a room yet so just wait until you find out when you get there.

Eddie: (See's Loren is in a deep thought) Babe you alright?

Loren: (smiles quickly being startled by eddies voice) Never better babe.

Eddie knew she was lying but he just thought she was just saying that because Max, Nora, Kelly and Jake were in the car with them he just let it go but would find out later what was bothering her.

--------They arrive at the Hotel-------

Kelly: "Ok so Eddie I didn't know you were coming it was kind of last minute so do you and loren mind sharing for a couple of days?"

Loren &Eddie :(look at each other and say) "We don't mind!"

Loren:( looks at her mom) are you ok with this mom?

Nora: "Of course I trust you and I trust Eddie and your 18 now your gonna need to make your own decisions."

Loren: "awwww thanks mom I love you"

Nora" I love you to now you and Eddie go to your room and get ready for your concert tonight me and max are going to go sight seeing and we will see you before the concert ok."

Loren: " Ok have fun you you guys later"

Loren and Eddie headed up to there room

Loren's (thoughts): I think.....No I no I'm ready to give my all in this relationship and give myself to the man I love.

Eddie:(looking at loren still noticing the look on her face) "Ok babe what's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

Loren smiles and pulls Eddie into a hot and steamy make out session that eventually leaves Eddie speechless, breathless, and confused on if loren was trying to tell him she was ready or not.

Eddie: "Loren are you sure you want to do this I mean I no you've been though a whole lot and......"

Loren (cuts him off): "Yes I've never been more sure of anything your the person that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with."

He smiles and they started making out on the couch but then someone starting knocking on the door which made Eddie a little upset in a cute way and loren went to answer it.

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