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In a world without heroes, 6 siblings where given the elemental powers.

Blaze, the oldest, always had a short fuse, his element is fire.

Ara, the second eldest, always went with the flow, unless the current was corrupt, her element is water.

Winsor, the third eldest, was always an air head, his element is air.

Flora, the third youngest, she was gentle like a flower, her element is earth.

Aurora, the second youngest, was always happy and tranquil, her element is spirit.

The youngest, Tanavar, at that point has yet to find his element.

They vanquished all evil but Blaze went rogue, trying to destroy his siblings. All the siblings scattered, except Tanavar and Aurora. Blaze had killed Aurora, then in a flash of light, because of the death, Tanavar's element was revealed. His element was not just one, but all of them. Then with a giant explosion, Tanavar emerged from the ash, leaving Blaze in the ground where he has stayed... Until now

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