Feeding My Addiction

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who touched my life

No, don't feed my addiction.

I'm having inner conflictions. 

So please perscribe me another perscription. 

Whatever you do just don't tell me our love is fiction.

You see, my love.  

You are my addiction.

Don't feed into my cravings.

Just leave me dazing.

Please, spare me your love sayings.

Damn it , love. 

Your affection wasn't always this rough.

A beautiful bliss.

Lifes already though,

so please don't end this.

I need you.

Please need me too.

I love you.

Please love me too. 

I miss you.

Just say 'I do too'. 

Where are you going, my addiction? 

Are you walking away now?

What about my perscription?

Why would you leave, and how?

How can you just leave me here?

My new addiction you ask?

A ciggarette and a beer.

Why you ask?

It all started with a fear,

and ended with a tear. 


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