Imagine #30: Meet The Chu {Micaela Von Turkovich Imagine Special} (Part 1/3)

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First off... NO HATE! I know lots of people let jealousy cloud their brains, but I absolutely LOVE Mica and I WILL NOT tolerate hate on my imagine. So if I see hate your comment will be deleted.

Second... it took me a while to write this. I wanted it to be perfect and perfection takes time. 


Tyler's POV

'Cause I'm in love with you baby
So I'll put it in a love letter
It's yes-no, not maybe
Can we get in the same boat together
I've been goin' crazy when I think about you
'Cause the hardest thing I'll ever have to do is to tell you

I hit my phone wishing it would turn off like a regular alarm did, but unfortunately I had to open my eyes, grab my phone, and swipe left to get my alarm to stop playing Love Letter by Heffron Drive. I love their old songs. Not that I don't love the new ones. I just love their- point is I love their music.. and them. I was about to put my phone down when an alert came across my screen. I quickly picked my phone back up and looked.


Shit. How could I forget?! I've been waiting months for this concert. I can't believe I forgot. I looked over at the VIP pass that hung on the back of my desk chair.

"Tyler? Are you up yet? Your con-" mom said, opening my bedroom door. I cut her off by jumping out of bed and running up to her.

"MOM!" I shouted excitedly. "CONCERT! HEFFRON DRIVE! KENDALL! DUSTIN!" I continued to shout. Mom laughed.

"Yeah I know that's why I came to make sure you're up." mom said, rolling her eyes at me. "I was thinking since the concert is at a fair we could go early and spend a few hours together before your concert."

"I'd love that!" I said, hugging her. She laughed at, but hugged back.

"We leave in one hour." she said, letting go. She walked away mumbling something like "crazy child, more like her dad everyday". I laughed and went to my room.

It's been my mom and I for five years now. Not to get all mopey on people, but dad died five years ago to colon cancer. He battled it for a long time so I'm thankful he is no longer in pain. The deed to this house was in his will. Everyone was shocked when dad's lawyer read it out loud. Well, everyone expect the lawyer. He knew of course. He helped dad pick out the house. He even put in the will that this was my room. Why? This is the master bedroom. My bed was on a platform with stairs I have to use to get down. There is also a walk in closet I have slowly filled in. Let's not forget the most important part, my personal bathroom.

Enough if this mopey crap. Heffron Drive day. Focus.

I grabbed my concert outfit that I took my time to put together, paying attention to every detail. I grabbed what goes on under the concert outfit before going into my bathroom. I turned the water on and let it warm up. I hung the outfit on the back of the door before turning to the water. I stripped my clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the water it my back muscles. I didn't realize I was nervous until the water hit me.

Forty five minutes later I was packing my bag, making sure I had everything I needed. Heffron Drive concert ticket. The VIP pass. My wallet containing my school ID, emergency credit card that is only used for emergencies only, extra cash for the merchandise table, my camera, and my phone. I grabbed my bag and left the room.

"Mom I'm ready!" I called as I made my way downstairs. I looked all over, but she was no where. I even went upstairs to her room expecting her to be there, but she wasn't. I was about to have a mental break down when I heard a honk from outside. I went down the hall to the window that over looked the driveway and there was in the car waiting for me. I quickly went down the stairs and out the door, locking the door before making my way to the passenger side of the car. I got in and she started to back out of the driveway before I was even buckled.


"Park there! Park there!" I shouted once I saw a parking spot. The fair didn't open for another ten minutes, but this place was already packed full. So full that we drove around for ten minutes until I spotted a space between two trucks. Mom quickly parked before someone else tried to steal the spot.

"The line is pretty long. Maybe we should wait until they open so that we aren't waiting in line forever." mom said. I nodded in agreement. I hate long lines and she knew that.

We sat in the car for half an hour talking about the rides we would go on or the food we were gonna eat. Soon enough we were getting out of the car and heading to the entrance of the fair. There was only four people in front of us so there we didn't have to wait long. Soon enough we were paying for our tickets and the woman handed us our wrist bands. I watched as mom slipped her a five as a top mumbling something like working woman stick together. The woman smiled and staid thank you, mom making her day. We started to walk into the fair as we put out wristbands on.

"You know..." I began as we walked, looking at the rides, trying to determine which one was first. "I remember when dad use to talk about you he always said "you mother has always been the bravest and most badass person I know. She knew how to do the littlest things to either make someone's day or put them in her place". I used to think he was joking, but then I realized he was right." mom laughed.

"Did he ever tell you how we met?" she asked. I shook my head. "I was a waitress at your dad's favorite restaurant and your dad was on a date that night."

"Wait did you steal did from someone?!" I asked.

"If you interrupt me I can't tell you what happened." she said laughing. I pretended to zip my lips, making her laugh again. "As I was saying... your dad was on a date. It was with Melissa Warner. She was the most snobbish person you could ever meet. Your Aunt Claire was a waitress as well and she had your dad's table."

"But then how-" I started to ask, but she just cut me off by putting her hand up and continued to talk.

"Melissa was horrible to your Aunt Claire. Everything was wrong to her. Aunt Claire was a great waitress, but Melissa seemed out to get her. After sending her food back for a third time and making a remark about the restaurant needing to rethink their staff I had enough." mom said. She took a breath and continued. "I walked up to her and put her in her place. Your dad had an amused look in his eyes as I went off. She stormed out and he stayed until my shift ended."

"Way to go mom." I said.

"Let's get a drink." mom said. I nodded in agreement as we walked towards the concession stands. We found one serving lemonade and we got in line.

The line wasn't long, maybe three people in front of us. I looked around. There were a lot of Drivers here. I noticed a lot were starring and pointing this way as they whispered to each other. That got me confused. Why would they do that? I turned my whole body expecting to see Kendall or Dustin thinking that's why, but I didn't see either of them. I turned back around the see if it was our turn to order when I felt something being splashed on to me.

"I'm so sorry." a voice said. I turned to look at the voice. I was shocked.



You should be able to tell that there was just a filler part towards the end bout the parents... anyway remember no hate. Next part will come soon. :)

Miss Nikki

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