Tank Bred - Bell Lovington

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Tank Bred


Duncan Cleaver was a man with many faces, he could be nice to you or he could go to any limit to destroy your life.Adeline the queen with many years behind her finally found her back bone and took care of Duncan for good, she can live her life surrounded by her family and beloved Adonis. But there was one more task she needed to accomplish, scout Duncan's secret lab. After visiting Level 5-Cryo, Adeline got a true taste of what Duncan was like and she hated it all.Wanting the lab shut down Vanessa made a few phone calls and brought in old co workers to take care of the problem....but instead they've made it worse.Something Is Alive.Something Unnatural.And Now It's Been Released...More Commonly Known As E.M.I.L.Y.

Hope you like the cover, Pm me for further adjustments. :) 


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