Chapter 1 pg.1

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Captured -Edited by WarriorChi for re-reading and finding spelling errors-

Con and Jack were on the boat,they were below deck in the cargo area. Con whispered to Jack,who was very nervous since they are thieves," Calm down,with your teeth chattering we'll be found for sure.." Jack closed his mouth to stop the chattering of his teeth,thankfully for Con and Jack,it worked.The attention of when the teeth was chattering did however get them captured. One of the captain's crew members holding Con said," Well, We have some stow aways.. " Jack was already captured by the other crew member. Con and Jack were then dragged up deck and had no idea what to do. They had brought weapons ,but never had the training that could outmatch the number of crew members on board. The captain went from steering the ship to walk over to the people. Con thought as the people put him to the ground to 'bow' down to the captain. He said," Caleb... Joseph what is the meaning of this? Who are these people?" Con said," That's none of your business..." Jack looked at him,like he was worried for him,then looked ,in the eye of the captain and said," What my friend said, None of your business.!" The captain said,to Con," Is that so?" He was curious of how they got on the ship and for what purpose...? If they needed to go somewhere then they could of taken a ship them sail there. Their broke,he realized as he looked at the two men in front of him. Flynn didn't know that Con was a man till he spoke. It was weird for him to have find a man kind of attractive,though he has a mate. Con said," Yep,We have a good reason for it ,but you would just see us as cruxes none the less."

Con knew that he was bad mouthing the captain and that the captain could just throw them over board. He put them in cells instead,he said that we would be dropped off at the castle.' Which is just going to get Jake and I killed',thought Con.'The next stop isn't where we need to be,but hopefully it will be where a doctor is. My friends have loads of injures, from broken arm to a broken leg,'thought Con.Con and Jake talked about ways to get out of here or what they were going to do to us.A person that's guarding Jake and Con's cell said," Quit talking or I'll drag you two over board!" Con whispered to Jack," You can go sleep on the only bed here... I'll stay up.. I don't trust this guy to not do what he just said."

The captain went below deck to see that one of them was asleep while the other one was wide awake. Con,to the captain, had peasants clothing. His clothes were filthy,He looked at Flynn, then said," What do you want? Coming here to mock?" The captain said," No... I came here for answers..Why are you on this boat and if you were sent here,tell me who." He said," My name is Con, My friends are all injured,we came in here to steal some medical supplies... Never imagined for us to travel or go on the voyage by a boat. " As if to prove his point he got medicine out of his pockets and took out 4 first aid kits. Flynn said," Why would you need all these supplies?" He had a watch and said to the watch,"This is Con, Do you copy,Cody?" A voice then said," Hi Con! We thought we lost you! We really need you two to hurry! Why are you guys still on the boat? Didn't it... Oh,It's going to take you guys ages to get back! Kia's going to kill me!  What am I going to tell Kia,Chi and Ender." Con said," That's just it,you don't. I'll try and teleport the medical supplies but you guys probably need to get someone else to steal some medical supplies.." The person said," Ok,Con... Hope to see you guys soon." Con nodded then signed out. Con said," Jack has a cold,Cody has a broken arm,such injures are on my friends. Dropping us off at the next stop would probably be the best."

The captain said," Sorry but you have to talk to our king about that,you did go over the law with stealing things.It's apart of prodigal." With that said Flynn left while He heard Con curse under his breath. Flynnthe captain, said to Wilten,the guard,"Keep them here, if they say anything tell me." I then left the room,The next couple of days, Con's friend kept on coughing and was getting paler by the days. I got reports of their conversations. Con said," Their a bunch of idiots,Jake. They don't know that you need medicine. Luckily I have cough drops and cold medicine." Jake said," I should take a shift... You haven't slept in a couple of days." Con said," No.. No soldier,you rest. It's not every day you fight witches and get to see another day with us,thieves. I'll be fine. " Jake said," You say that but you are starting to get bags under your eyes" Con said," I'm holding up,better than you ,youngling." Their conversations were normally like this. The only time the captain goes in their is for them to have food. Con does seem to have bags under his eyes,always yawning after having something to eat. His friend has gotten less pale and doesn't cough as much though. Jake told Con to get some rest ,so he did as he was told for it would only take a couple of hours to get to the next stop.

-As you can see I did this on my IPod as some things didn't make since and some of the spacing wasn't correct..Should be good though..First chapter  is kind of a Prologue though,but still inportant to read. Chi Out!-

The Prince's Little Thief( Book 2 of the 3 Princes' Legend)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora