May 19: My Favorite Fan/Supporter

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Well, I have two lovely Wattpadders that are amazing supporters!

EA3112 Ezie, we haven't known each other long, but it's felt like a million years. Even when I couldn't think of anything to write, you are always here to talk to me. :D

Lone_child Loney, (like my nickname for ya?) You have kept me going through thick and thin, and been there when I was down. You gave me valuable advice that I keep in my heart. :D Thank you!

You two are amazing people and I don't know where I'd be without you. :'D

I have two more amazing Wattpadders who are the most perfect fans that I could ever ask for!

486TheCat You motivate me to continue writing A New Gen. Of Pan. Your comments brighten my day, and makes me incredibly thankful that you like Peter Pan. XD Readers have come and gone, but you have remained a constant. I thank you.

Boltwolf Holly, I never had a constant reader for my Grisha Trilogy fanfic until you came along. You bring such a joy to my life, and I am glad that I took the time to say hello. Stay forever a Grisha fan. Saints' Speed.


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