Pirate Brooke

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Brooke jabbed and slashed parrying the blows of her enemy. He was good, but she was better. She ducked, hearing the whistle of the blade swoosh above her.
Amateur move, buddy. Brooke quickly yanked her blade up disarming her opponent. His blade splashed in the water.
"Now return your treasure to it's rightful owner!" She commanded, her opponents pudgy face filling with terror.
Brooke collapsed on her bed, another adventure, another victory another criminal turned in to jail. A year ago she would have been leaping with joy, but a year ago she
Hadn't done the same thing hundreds of times in a row. Day after day, another request from the king, another ship captured and another heap of gold coins for the king. It got quite monotonous. She longed for something new, a different sort of adventure, she was sick of this boring lifestyle. So she turned to a different sort of hobby, reading. She loved learning about mystical quests, or places where they encountered something new.
It distracted Brooke from her lifestyle and was how she met her best friends. Brooke discovered Instagram soon after reading books and it didn't take long for her to decide she wanted to make a fandom account, which is how she met Ashley, Savanna and Daniella. They all shared a love for books like Brooke and they would daydream about the adventures they would take if they were to meet. Hours flew by when chatting with them and it made her life more exciting. She wanted more than anything to meet these friends, but when she got the text from Ashley saying "Whats the chance of a
meet-up? I'm feeling rebellious" She was slightly suspicious. Ashley, being the princess she is, her parents never would allow her out without a guard, let alone on a whole new adventure with people she had never met in person. Besides, the text was in no way descriptive. But besides those minor details there was the problem of location. I mean Brooke had a boat, sure. That would reach Sav and Ash who lived relatively close, but Dani lived on the opposite coast, meaning they could take boat and it would take ages to get to Danni, and on land it wasn't much better. Savanna did train dragons, but she wasn't old enough to work with any of the big ones. So that was out of question. Danni was a sorceress but until she graduated to Enchantress, major spells were forbidden unless under extreme supervision. Curse them for being too young to do anything! She called the others, "Ash, I love you and you guys realize that I would do anything to meet you, can we even make it work? That's gonna cost a lot of money, and Dani lives too far away..." She could hear the dejection in her voice even as she said it.
To this Ashley responded, "I'm a princess I have a lot of money, and I definitely want to do this, I need to spend my birthday with you guys, but I don't know what to do about Dani." "My parents know how to use teleportation magic, but I'm too young... Maybe if I steal it..." Danni started to say,
"You would never get away with that! Besides its illegal, and as a King's pirate I am strictly against stealing!!" Brooke reminded
"Sadly that's true, but if I can convince my parents it's for school.."
"Would they let you?"
"I'll see, hopefully I can convince them to let me use their teleportation spell.."
"Oh my gosh this could work!" Sav exclaimed.
"Don't get your hopes up too much, it's only if my parents agree to it, and you must remember how strict they are" Danni cautioned.
"But that still means we have a chance!" Ash exclaimed, "I just need to see you guys face to face, I'm so bored of this lifestyle! I can't stand another day of long lectures, and disappointing looks from all my professors."
"And I can't stand to hunt down another ship with the same pathetic excuse and same lame fight!" Brooke added.
"Well at least your life is interesting, I mean you fight bad guys for a living!!" Ashley reminded her.
"Hardly, they are just no good thieves who barely know how to fight, it gets quite monotonous."
"At least you don't have parents breathing down your neck, pressuring you to do good and disappointing them when you fail at Magic" Danni sighed.
"At least you have parents" Brooke said quietly. Her parents died when she was 5 and she hardly had any memories of them. She had been raised by Captain Clark, but he was hardly a father figure, he trained her in discipline and taught her the ways of a pirate, but he wasn't big on compassion. Brooke doubted if kindness was even in his dictionary.
The line was silent,
"I'm sorry Brooke... I can be such a jerk sometimes" Danni apologized.
"No, it's-it's not your fault, you were just chiming into the conversation" Brooke sighed.
"Hey if you ever want to talk about it.." Sav began.
"I know, I know, you guys are here and I can always talk to you guys,"
Brooke paused, "I don't know where I would be without you guys."
"Probably in a mental institution," Sav joked.
"Wow, I love how you can go from reassuring to mocking in less then two sentences."
"It's Sav's gift," Ash agreed.
"But seriously you guys make my life better!"
"Love you too Brooke," Danni replied.
"Love you all, but I gotta go, see you guys hopefully soon."
A chorus of byes followed Brooke's remark and she hung up her phone. Was she really going to see her friends? Was this a real thing?
Her thoughts conflicted each other questioning her every choice, if she went she would be abandoning her duties to the kingdom and some thieves would get away. But if she stayed it would mean the same monotonous lifestyle, day after day with no friends or family. Someone else could handle the King's thieves. Brooke decided. She was going to get out of this monotonous lifestyle and see her best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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