Chapter 1- Wine and Dine

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****DEDICATED TO @imaginator1d FOR THIS IDEA. REMEMBER THIS IS NOT MY OWN STORY AND WILL STOP AFTER MY THEORY. I  HIGHLY recommend the actually series it is based on, After 1,2,3 so go read them! Thanks again Anna(@imaginator1d) for writing such a good novel, and if you are reading this, I hope you like my thoughts :P*****


After I figured everything out at school, I said goodbye to Liam and drove home. 

As I entered the house, I noticed something odd. There was an eerie silence. I know Harry went to take my dad to clean up, but I guess I had expected him to be home already.  I hadn't exactly been surprised, as I didn't see Harry's car, but I never know with him... I don't know.

Around 10, I started watching T.V. Where is Harry? Why wasn't he back yet? I didn't even really need to ask that question; the answer was clear. Harry probably went drinking with my dad. Harry. With my alchoholic dad, that is... or better yet, Harry who could become a violent drunk easily with my alcoholic dad, probably at the bar down the street from the tattoo shop. It seemd logical, as it was 10 o'clock, and he wasn't home, nor had I been contacted. I immediately got up from the couch and ran to my phone. I needed to resolve this Seattle issue and talk to Harry.

I mean after all, I was leaving in 2 days.... right?


Tessa's dad isn't really that bad, I thought, as I consumed my 10th drink. Maybe it was the alcohol getting to me, but I really liked hanging with him. Kinda made me feel like I wanted to be closer to him... Yea, it was definitely the alcohol. What time was it even?? I looked down at my phone. Holy crap 18 missed calls? All from Tessa? Even though we were fighting, the thought of her pacing the floor wondering where I was made me smile.

" 'ay man, this was fun!" My words slurred. How much did I have? "Yea sure was 'arry" He hiccuped. This is crazy awkward, as I have to find a way to get home. I know I should call a cab, but what if my mind subconsiously tells the cab to go to my parents house? Or even worse, Zayn's house? Whatever, I'll take my chances. I mean what other choice do I have? 

"I'ma head out, but I'll see ya 'round." I said, not wanting to make any promises Tessa would force me to keep. I didn't know if her and her dad would keep in touch... but before I got a response, I turned around to find him asleep at the bar counter. Great. I called a cab, and $30 later, I made it home.

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