"There's no need to be scared, I'll leave you with your life." The sound came from my left, instantly my body moving to the right and away from him. It was a male, the voice sounding familiar as it continued in a new place this time. "I just need to give him a reminder -" 

A blade ran across my face, the fight for survival kicking in and I found myself bolting from my spot, a yell of alarm leaving my mouth as I hurried to the door. I was pulled back, my hands reaching for any part of him to grab and claw at. A hand went over my mouth as I screamed, the sound muffled and strangled as he tried to silence me. The blade from before trailed down my front before stopping at my lower stomach, diving against my skin and into my flesh. I doubled over and screamed as it twisted it several different directions, gutting me is what it felt like. The room door began to split apart by the force trying to enter the room, the light creeping in between the cracks looked so dull now as my body crumpled to the floor.

I could hear the window in the room being lifted just as the door gave way, the sound of someone's body stumbling through the room and their hisses of pain filled my ears. The cold floor felt too nice against my scalding body, my lungs not filled enough to make a sound and my mind too focused on the pain to reach out to anyone.

"Emily?" Andrew grunted, filling the room with light as his hands found the light switch. 

His eyes found me, his face blanking for a moment as he took in the sight of me laying there, in a pool of my blood. Andrew's eyes widened, his mouth parted slightly and his arms tightly bunched around his lower stomach in pain - my pain. 

Andrew sprinted towards me, lifting me uncomfortably in his arms before trying to stand with me. His hand held the side of my face, fingers pressed under my jaw as he felt for my pulse. I could see Andrew wave his hand slowly in front of my face, his eyebrows furrowing together when all I could do was blink for him. We left the room, Andrew making his way down the hall and slowly down the stairs, staggering a bit as he did. 

Andrew hadn't made it to the bottom yet before we saw them, the bodies of pack mates sprawled across the entry way. His eyes flashed between uncertainty, hatred and then settling in disbelief.

His body was giving out as he laid me on the carpet, unable to carry me anymore. 

My blood ran with theirs seconds later, Andrew holding my face in his hands as he yelled in frustration. Rage - pure rage filled his demeaner as he shook when he touched me, afraid he would do more damage. "Someone help me!" Andrew called, his voice shaking a bit as he waited for a reply. No one answered his call, only making him more frustrated than before. I grabbed his hand weakly, drawing his attention towards me. Andrew looked down at our hands, a pained look shadowing his face.

Andrew's eyes darted to the knife in my stomach, his fingers shakily reaching for it before quickly removing it. I couldn't prevent it, my body pulling lightly when the knife had clung to me before it was completely removed. His face gave nothing away, except for the sickening sweat that brewed on his already pale skin.

He didn't hesitate, raising the knife to his palm before cutting it open.

"Andrew?"  It was hard to focus on anything but the pain, I didn't know if he would be able to hear me this way as my thoughts began to jumble together. I could hardly think.
Andrew's palm was almost overflowing with blood as he lifted my head with his other hand. He raised his palm to my lips, his blood running warm against my closed lips.

"Drink it." Andrew commanded me, something he usually never does. His tone was cold, a lot harsher than I was used to. 

"What?" I croaked, quickly closing my mouth after the metallic warmth dabbed at my tongue.

"Drink the fucking blood, Emily." He saw me hesitate, his eyes widening in panic. "We don't have much time anymore." I could hear his thoughts screaming at me, though he didn't direct them for me to listen to. "... the knife out so she could heal - taking too much time. Blood - She's dying, Andrew killed her - "

I opened my mouth slightly, a little more willing after hearing Andrew's thoughts. He took advantage and shoved his split palm between my lips. Gagging, tears sprang in my eyes at the pain my stomach delivered and I had to focus to swallow the blood. I wanted to spit it out but Andrew held the back of my head to keep me from moving. It burned as I swallowed it.


He didn't answer, keeping his glare sturdy at my mouth, making sure I was taking in every drop and ingesting his blood. He was getting good at not answering.

I turned my head away harshly, gasping for a proper breath and a break. Andrew wasn't happy, his hold on me tightening before he held me to do it again. Andrew didn't get the chance to before we heard the voices approaching us, their alarm ringing loudly in the silent room.

 Questions were flying everywhere, my eyes catching the faint outlines of women and men gathered to help. They kept their distance, Andrew warning them to stay back with a snarl. Dameon pushed through and led Doctor Cason to where we were.

"Keep giving her blood." Doctor Cason told Andrew, pulling some bandages from the items he brought and beginning to wrap them around my body. "The wound needs to be pulled closer together to heal how you want it to. This is going to hurt her."

Andrew growled at the mention of more pain. "Let me do it then."

Daemon rested his hands on Andrew's shoulders, helping support him as he sat there beside me. "Alpha, the Luna needs blood. We are here now, for you both. Let us help." The two looked at each other, Dameon offering a small smile before nodding for Cason to continue.

Andrew was frustrated but cut open his other hand for me to drink from, his palm from earlier now healing. We resumed, Andrew leaning over to lay next to me and brush the hair from my face as he urged me to continue to drink.

I closed my eyes, wanting to focus on my only task of laying here and doing what was asked of me. I didn't get to enjoy it - not that I was already, but the doctor began to tighten the bandages around me, and I had not prepared.

I had jolted up, Andrew grabbing hold of me, and Dameon to him to stop Andrew from killing the doctor. 

"Wait!" I cried, a scream leaving me weakly before I rested back on to the floor to writhe in pain. I struggled for air even more so now, Andrew's blood draping down the corners of my mouth.

"You're hurting her too much!" Andrew was weak too, but his beasts were well prepared to take Cason's life if he continued. 

"Do you want her to die, Alpha? Because that's what's going to happen if we don't do this. Now!" Doctor Cason was frantic, his shoulders sagging as hopelessness weighted them down. We had really run out of time and options.

Andrew looked down at me, a sigh leaving his lungs as our eyes met. I groaned in pain, closing my eyes as I felt his hand wrap around mine. I took a deep breath as I felt them ready themselves again. Andrew had helped hold me down this time as I couldn't help the groans of agony. 
"Stop! Stop!" I tried to move my fingers to their hands and push them away but my body was too heavy, and Andrew's hold too strong.

I threw my head back against the floor and screamed again as he tightened them more, my breath leaving - the only proper one I could hold now gone.

I stopped fighting it, gasping as their voices stilled and I let consciousness slip from me.

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