Chapter 1 - Damn those boys

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Chapter 1

I almost dropped the box I was carrying when I saw the room I would be occupying for the next couple of years until I went off to college like the rest of my siblings.

If I'm honest it wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty nice, I was kind of hoping it would be horrible so I could complain to my parents and demand that we went back to our old town. I'm not going to admit it to my parents but I actually liked this room better than my last one.

My family had moved house for my dad's work, I really just wanted to go back to my home in Scotland with my friends Rosette, Jade and Abby. Ah well, I guess Australia won't be too bad, I was kinda expecting to be surrounded by kangaroos, koalas and farmland but so far there's been no such thing.

It's actually quite modern, heaps of cities, beaches everywhere but quite a different architecture compared to what I'm used to. Well, better get my room set up, school on Monday.


Wandering through the school halls I noticed something, all the school hallways were outside rather than in. Sure, the classrooms were inside but you had to walk outside to get to another class even if it was right next door. Well, at least everything was under shelter, I mean, what if it rained?

I must have been thinking too long as I soon came into contact with something hard, oh crap, I didn't already walk into a wall on my first day did I?

Coming out of my daze I soon noticed it was not a wall as I'd first thought but instead, a rather tall (and good-looking if I do say so myself) guy. He had messy brown hair which suited him well, plus he had a tan. Why didn't any of the boys in Scotland look like that? He's even taller than me and that's saying a lot considering I'm one of the tallest in the year.

"Get out of the way.", the boy grunted in, is that a french accent? That's kinda nice but then again because he was so rude, I take it all back, he's not good looking at all.

"Excuse me?", I replied to the boy, what an arse.

"You heard me, move."

Ok, maybe if he asked nicely I would have but now? Nah. "No, I don't think I will thanks."

The boy stared at my in shock before another boy standing next to him whom I didn't notice before spoke up. "Whoa, did Elliot just get told off by a girl?" Bitch, please. Just because I'm a girl doesn't make me any less likely to stand up for myself.

"I think he did", said another boy who appeared on the other side of this Elliot boy. "Ellie got told off by a girl! Ellie got told off by a girl!" The boy started singing. Ok, should I just walk off or...?

"Guys shut up, I'm trying to read my book." said a fourth boy appearing from behind the rest of the group, ok seriously how many friends does Elliot have?!

"Hey guys, what's the hold up I thought we were-" said yet another boy before seeing me, "ah I see it now," he said smirking at me, "hey babe." Ok was that supposed to be appealing?

Ok, these boys were really getting on my nerves and I needed to get to secondary admin before the first bell rang, noticing that the book one of the boys was reading was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I decided to ruin his day as him and his friends was already ruining mine.

"Snape kills Dumbledore.", I told him.

"Yeah, I know this isn't my first time reading-", the boy started to say.

"WHAT?!", shouted Elliot a worried expression appearing on his face, "BUT WHATS HARRY GONNA DO NOW?". Realising what he'd done his expression quickly changed. "I mean, what? How dare you try and ruin this story for Mitch."

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