CH-1 Why can't I forget her...

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"Let's Go HOME TOGETHER BRATS!" and so Fairy Tail's S-class exams turned into something they never imagined.


Somewhere in the dark woods in a cave their lay the Dark Dragon Acnologia who caused all this but something was troubling him, But what could possibly trouble the dark dragon. And to think It was a blonde girl, a celestial mage (yah I know u Know it but still) the blond  celestial mage of Fairy Tail.

"Grrrrr...........WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER THAT I CAN'T FORGET HER" and he let out a thunderous roar shaking the ground. "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HER FIRST BUT DAMN THAT OLD BRAT SHE E.S.C.A.P.E.D., I could have killed her slowly splashing her blood all around here" 

"Tch I already did kill her then why am I troubled by it" something inside of Acnologia was giving him a weird feeling. Acnologia then turned into his human shape and laid down on his furry bed unknown to him he was thinking about the blond. "What have you done to me..." what could possibly be her name I remember that fire dragon slayer yelling Luce but "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP THINKING ABOUT HER SHE'S DEAD" and slept a dreamless sleep before mumbling sleepily 'I wish I could see you again.....'

Maybe it was his fate or Lucy's Bad luck but she will return.

Yay I will think about the new chapter soon...well till then!

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