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Anthony Stark - Servet Stark
Steven Rogers - Erdem Rogers
Thor Odinson - Kudret Odinson
James Buchanan Barnes - Bâki Barnes
Bruce Banner - Ezel Banner
Clint Barton - Şahin Barton
Scott Lang/ Henry Pym - Sıtkı Lang/ Haluk Pym
Sam Wilson - Sami Wilson
T'Challa - Çağan (?)
Peter Parker - Perk Parker
James Rhodes - Remzi Rhodes
Loki Laufeyjarson - Levent Laufeyjarson
Vision - Vural (?)
Pietro Maximoff - Poyraz Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff - Cansu Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff - Alya Maximoff
Pepper Potts - Pınar Potts
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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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