Chapter 3:

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Brett's Pov: 

I kept my chest close to his back, and trailed traced small circles in his delicate hips. I felt him shudder beneath my fingers and lean in to my warmth. I smirked to my self. Success. I'd have him in the palm of my hands in no time. I would just need a little more to . All too soon, the elevator slowed to a stop and the doors dinged open. I let my lips linger upon his ear and pulled back just a little.

"You should really take a cold shower" I mumbled in his ear. His body seemed to stiffen in anticipation and awareness. 

"Excuse me, whatever your name is, what do you mean?" He said pulling back, careful not to spill the cookies that were clearly no longer important to him.

I sauntered closer to him, swiveling my hips just right, so that his chest was only centimeters away from mine.

"Or I could always take care of that for you if you'd like" I took a step back and enjoyed the look of shock and lust that clouded the young man's eyes. I winked at him and brought my hand to slap the gorgeous guy's ass. He let out a squeal and brought his hand to cover his bottom. I chuckled and walked out of the elevator as if nothing happened. Surely, he'd come looking for me now.

Dillon's POV: 

Omigod, omigod, OMIGOD. Who was he and why do my pants feel so tight? I looked down to see my little friend straining against the fabric. CRAP! A thin layer of sweat came to cover my forehead. WHAT DO I DO NOW?! Thankfully It wasn't my floor, given that I work on the top floor. I closed the door as quickly as it could and thanked the heavens when I realized no one was coming to use the elevator. I quickly put down the cookies as the door closed and shifted my satchel to cover the throbbing that came from my pants and wiped the sweat with the back of my hand. I struggled to recompose myself. I then thought of my family. That ought to calm me down right? Right. I felt my buddy letting lose as the door dinged back to life.

I quickly scooped up the cookies, and checked to make sure that nothing could be seen. Being that I am the owner, I have the top floor to myself. It's very calming to me! It contains a secret bedroom that not many know of, in case I need anything, and a bathroom, complete with a shower, and a small kitchen. I'm not one to order in. I did go to school after creating my business for cooking, so I know how to use my hands. Oh gosh! Not like that! I mean, well, sure I do, but-and I-I just meant-I wanted to say- oh forget it. I bought my palm to my head and exhaled loudly.

I stepped out into my pristine kitchen and set the cookies down on the counter with a clatter. I was so nervous in the elevator, that I failed to notice that the inside of my palms were damp. Great! The guy is going to think I'm some kind of freak! I should go find him right? Wrong. No, yes, right. Wait. Who was he anyways. I would have to call Mama to find out who just came in.

I rolled up my sleeves and turned on the faucet. I scrubbed my hands clean of the oils and dried them. I hurried to my office and practically threw the phone off of the hook while I hurriedly dialed Mama Fey. After two rings, I grew impatient. This man seduced me in the elevator! No way he was getting away! 

"Hello dear! What can I do for you?" 

"YES! Oh thank god! Tell me, who was the man that ran into the elevator with me?!"

"Oh, I see, are we interested?"

"Well, umm...maybe", I mumbled while awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, "may I have his name now?"

"Well he was certainly a handsome devil! I remember when I was your age and there was one man In particular named-"


"Whoops! sorry deary! That was Brett Sanders"

"The one who was late?"

"Who else? Honey I realize it is the morning, but sheesh!" 


"You're welcome! Is that all?"

"Yes thank you Mama Fey!" I quickly put down the phone and brought up my laptop. I checked through all of my employees and searched for Brett Sanders. I looked through his resume to see that he was single and graduated first of his class. None of that mattered really, until I got to what I was looking for. AHA! I grinned to myself as I found that he worked on the sixth floor. Well Mr. Sanders, you're wanted in the Dean's office. I rubbed my palms together and smiled to myself as I called the sixth floor to have "Mr. Sanders" visit the big man. 

No later than five minutes after I called, my elevator dinged to life. As the door opened I was enchanted with the sight of Brett. God he was sexy. I stood up from my chair and he sexily strutted into my office. He leaned against the door way with one arm resting along side his head. He sent a wink my way and that thousand watt smile. My knees, thankfully, didn't give out too much beneath me. 

"And to what do I owe the honor, Babe?" I gulped loud and clear. 

Brett's POV:

I came in with my head high. I knew he would come for me. I just didn't know it would be this fast. I covered my suprise and leaned against his doorway. He quickly stood up, and I couldn't help but give him a once over. Man, oh, man, did he look sexy. I just wanted to take him right there. But I couldn't and so I settled on the one thing I know would make him lose his words. I winked at him and ran my other hand through my perfect hair. My smile is always a lady killer, or I guess a man killer. 

"And to what do I owe the honor, Babe?" I heard him gulp and that set my brain into overdrive and the thought of what I'd be having him swallow instead. Lust took over my body and my gaze. I wanted him. Here. Now. 

So the boss wants to play? (manxman)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें