“Eat more.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Well you have to eat. Christian shouldn’t have to worry about you.”

“Then stop telling him everything I do.”

“He’s just wants what’s best for you Emilia, give him time to come around.”

I sighed, letting my fork go and sat back against the seat. Mike was the only one positive around here, always giving me a reason why he acts a certain way.

“I’m just not hungry.”

“Fine, but if he gets mad, it’s on you.”

“Vivian that’s enough! Now if she’s not hungry then she’s not.”

She on the other hand was eating constantly. Seemed to me like she was gaining more weight as the days went by.

Christian’s POV

I was finally done with what I needed to do with on my trip and now it was time to go home. The trip took longer than I expected, as I had to fly to a couple locations because of issues, but now I was coming home.

“How she doing?”

“She’s fine, as you know got into the groove of things as soon as we came home and has been like that ever since.”

“So she’s better?”

“In a sense yes.”

“And her health?”

“Back to normal weight.”

“What about her mood?”

“She’s fine, nice to everyone, helps anyone that needs her, pretty much what you’ve wanted in a Luna.”

“So she hasn’t given you any trouble?”

“None, although she gets into it with Vivian once and a while.”

“How so?”

“Thinks my wife has a thing for you.”

I smiled, chuckling. Oh Emilia, if she only knew.

“Now that’s funny.”

“I think it’s good, shows how much she really cares for you.”

My smile fell.

“Emilia doesn’t care about anyone other than herself.”

“That’s not true and you know it or she wouldn’t be doing what she is. Even when she’s exhausted, she’s up helping everyone. She’s been working her ass off for you.”

“It’s the guilt, it’s what she does.”

“Whatever man, look I gotta go, call Vivian if you want to know more.”

He hung up on me as always because he knows I’m right. I was about to dial the house when Vivian’s number popped.


“It’s me, Mike just called to let me know you’re coming home?”

“Yeah, I should be there in an three or so.”

“Alright, I’ll have them start dinner then.”

“How’s Emilia?”

“Didn’t you just ask Mike?”

“Yes, but he sugar coats it and you don’t.”

“You would think she was his wife.”

“What does that suppose to mean?”

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