Chapter 2 Saying Goodbye

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“Oh, my god, I've missed you so much!” Jessica squealed while throwing herself at me. I returned the hug quickly.

“I know me too!” I smiled sadly to Jess.

Jessica was Mel and Scott's only daughter, and she was practically a sister to me. A slightly older sister since she turned eighteen a week ago. It happened to be the same day I found out about my mom and this whole situation.

Before I even knew what was happening, I was yanked into another hug. “Guys, I really missed you, too, but I can't breathe,” I said flatly.

“Sorry!” Troy and Paul said in unison as they both let go and my lips twitched into a smile. 

“I can't believe your moving in," Troy spoke smiling at me.

My face fell when he said that, making me think back to the reason I was here. Jess, Paul, and Troy all seemed to notice, so I spoke before they could say anything.

"Let's be real, you aren't even going to be here half the time," I said with a sarcastic tone, hoping it would be a distraction from my true feelings.

Talking about my real feelings right now would be too much to bear. I would rather get through saying goodbye to my mom first. Although, I don't know how I'm going to be able to.

"For your information, we're here all the time. Why do you think we picked such a close college?"

"I don't know Paul, why," I asked, smirking at them.

"So we could keep a close eye on you two," Troy answered my. I always found it amazing that they could do that, one of them asks a question and the other answers.

Paul and Troy were nineteen year old identical twins and Mel and Scott's oldest sons. They had started their first year of college this year. They played the annoying, overprotective big brother role to the T.

 "I know you're not talking about keeping an eye on us." I gestured between Jess and I. “When you two have a different girl every week?”

"Now first off, it's not every week and second…" Troy paused before continuing only to have his brother finish his thought for him.

"… We're guys.” I looked at Jess to see if she understood where this was going, but she looked as confused as me. 

"We know what guys are thinking and it’s definitely not going to happen with either of you two," Paul explained, pointing between Jess and I.

"Alright, man hoes," I said chuckling lightly before looking at Jess. "Is this what you've been putting up with?" She gave me a knowing look that answered my question, which only made me laugh harder.

"Man hoes?" Paul asked.

I had talked to Mel and Jess quite a few times since they started college. Every time I called, I asked for a quick update on how everyone was doing. They always had stories on how the twins couldn't just pick one girl; they had to date them all. Well, if you could even call it dating. Jess used the phrase "man hoe" when referring to their ways. You couldn't blame girls for wanting them, they were definitely cuties; any girl would be crazy to say otherwise.

The twins had light brown hair just like their sister. It was cut short and never combed and their eyes were the same beautiful shade of sky blue. They both inherited their height from their dad, at around six feet tall. I knew this was what girls saw when they looked at them, but all I saw were two goofballs. Before I could respond to his question, I was ripped into a tight hug mid laugh.

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