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Michael was feeling down that night. He and Luke had a wonderful day out, but something was just tugging at his heart and beating on his mind.

He didn't want to upset the fairy, so he went to bed early so he could cry without bothering the blonde. He put his headphones in, Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon blaring through the small speakers.

He didn't hear it when Luke opened the door, but he soon felt a small arm around his waist. Luke took out one of Michaels ear buds, placing it in his own ear, "You don't have to tell me what's wrong, just know I'm here for you." He spoke softly, snuggling into Michaels back.

"Thank you, Luke." Michael sighed slowly falling asleep, Luke following suit.


The next morning Michael woke up to Luke's fading scent on his blankets, and a strong burst of bacon coming from outside his room.

The cotton haired boy got up, stretching his back and arms. He groggily walked towards the kitchen seeing the Tinker making heart shaped waffles and some bacon.

He smiled, wrapping his arms gently around Luke's waist causing the younger boy to giggle, "Good morning, sunshine." Luke smiled.

"You making breakfast?" Michael chuckled as Luke placed a strawberry on top of the waffles.

"Yes! I was watching a cooking show and learned to the art of waffles." He smiled proudly, putting the food on the table, "Eat up." He smiled.

Michael grinned sitting at the table. They both bit into it at the same time and cringed, "Luke, what the hell did you do to it!?" Michael choked.

"I don't know! It's awful, oh my dust." Luke whined getting up to get some soda.

Michael had his tongue out and was desperately trying to get the taste out of his mouth. The boy ran to the fridge grabbing what he thought to be Orange Juice.

He gulped down the substance but stopped when that tasted even worse, "What is this!?" Michael cried, running to the sink and drinking the water.

"That was greafweb juice! That's only for fairies you stupid human!" Luke huffed handing Michael actual orange juice.

Michael sighed, drinking the juice happily, "Well that was eventful."

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