First meetings

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Steve:  Steve adopted you shortly after the fight with Ultron, wanting to protect something even closer to him like the other families in Slovakia. You were a beautiful baby that had been given to the orphanage after your single mother couldn't afford to keep you, and Captain America had gratefully taken you under his wing.  "Their name is (Y/n)." Your then foster mother said.  And so you were his.

Bucky: Bucky was pretty panicked when he found you beside a dumpster in the pouring rain.  New Bucky would have just left you there, but something from the old Bucky kicked him into picking you up in your damp blanket, listening to your little snores.  He wished he could be so calm in sad situations like you, his little piece of newfound heaven.

Tony: You were unplanned, unfortunately.  A one night stand baby, but as soon as you were born Tony vowed to love you forever.  Your mother left sadly, but you still got to live with the one and only Tony Stark.  He had to get Natasha to look after you a lot of the time because of his work, but he always made time for his baby joy.

Thor: As for most Gods, Thor had several suitors to please him, it was only natural, but it was a surprise when one of his mortal lovers told him she was carrying a baby of the demi-god or goddess variety. Well of course Thor was thrilled, he saw no problem in a tiny heir to his gigantic throne!  Something he over-looked though was the fact that mortal women that carry demi-god(dess) usually don't survive the birth, such is what happened to your mother.  Thor honoured her with the name he knew she loved most, giving it to their child: you. (Y/n).

Bruce: ((For this situation I just kinda overlooked the fact that Natasha is physically incapable of baring children, so let's just pretend she can))
It was a miracle you'd even been conceived.  Bruce and Natasha had just gotten a bit too heated and forgot about the whole condom thing, but both were more than extremely ecstatic when they found out that the red-haired assassin was pregnant.  They never let their hopes get too high up, in case something went wrong, but as soon as you were born they were both in tears.  There beautiful baby (Y/n).  You were premature, but healthy among anything else, and they loved you dearly.

Pietro: ((who said quicksilver died? Psh, not me))
Pietro was the dad among all dads.  Always cracking jokes and bad puns ever since he'd found you in the icy forests of Slocovia, he was the happiest man.  He'd kept your name as (Y/n), since that was the name on the tag attached to your blanket when he found you, and he denies that he loves anything more than he loves his precious little lovely.

Vision: Vision decided to adopt, since he'd always heard of pleasant experiences from parents and their babies, plus he didn't really know how to do the sexy-time with anyone.  He'd picked you out among the others of kids since, while the other kids were trying to be proper and nice, you were in the corner hiccupping and chewing on your foot.  If took pick a human, why not the peculiar one?

Loki: Ah yes, the mischievous god.  Surprisingly enough for his parents and brother, he'd purposefully gotten one of their maids pregnant.  Out of love? No.  For power? Not exactly.  He says he did it so he could have another tiny trouble maker to annoy Thor, but in all honestly, Loki was just lonely, and wanted a little god or goddess of his own.  The birth was successful, and there was no problems with the maid since she'd agreed to do it just for Loki, not out of love or power or fear.  A beautiful baby trouble maker for Loki.

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