Stayin' over pt 2

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"It's okay. And sorry for acting like a demonic girlfriend down there" I apologize.

"Yeah, you did kinda overeact. Hah" Ace giggles, "It was cute"

He climbs onto the bed and lies on his back beside me.
"Are you still planning on staying over? I can drop you home if you want" He asks.

"What? No! Why would I want to go back? I've waited all these years just to be free and speak my mind, and you let me do so.. I like it"

"Glad you do. While you're here, you can do anything you like. Including doing anyone you like" Ace says, winking at the same time.

I laughed so hard, it just let Ace staring at me in confusion.
"A girl has never liked a joke of mine, ever. And you.. You just laughed so hard! I'm starting to like you more and more!"

"You're really funny, you know that"

"Thanks. Lilac"

We laugh and joke around for about an hour.
I ask Ace what the time was and he checks his phone.
"It's 1:28am.. Why?" He asks back.

"Time goes by so fast when I'm with you... Seriously..."

"Yeah I know, I think the same too".

I wanted to ask Ace about the dog thing, but I kinda hesitated to.
And then I finally ask him.
"Ace, were you serious when you said you were a dog? Because it did sound pretty unrealistic and--"

Ace sits up and interups me.
"Yes I was. You probably don't give a crap"

"I do care. It actually sounds pretty interesting. You can tell me about it, please. I won't judge you".

"Ugh. I'll tell you about it someday when I really have to".

When Ace told me this, I got very curious about what he was going to tell me and really wanted to know more but at the same time.. I couldn't rush Ace into anything. So I just tell him,
"I'm extremely sorry about bringing this up when you didn't want to talk about it. You don't have to tell me anything more about this. Just forget it".

"No no don't be sorry. It's actually a good thing that you brought this up. It shows that you care, I'll tell you more tomorrow.. But for now let's just enjoy this date".

I stayed quiet.
Ace gets up and grabs two blankets and a pillow from another room on the same floor we were at. He lies one blanket out on the floor and drops the pillow onto it then lies the other blanket over it.

"This is for you to sleep on my dear" He says, pointing at the blankets.


"Just kidding, just kidding. It's for me to sleep on. You can enjoy sleeping on a big bed for once."


"Do you want anything to eat? I can get something if you want"

"Nah, the pizza made me full" I answer back.

"Ok. I'm gonna get something for myself, you can watch TV or do whatever you want".
Ace walks out.
While he was out of the room I got up and tucked myself in his blankets on the bed and just watched the ceiling with a lot of thoughts in my head.
10 mins later Ace comes in holding a plate with a palm-sized steak on it.
In his other hand, he held a tomato sauce bottle.
I covered my face with the blanket. I hated the smell of meat.. It stinged my nose just like how garbage does the same.
He didn't see me cover my face and gobbled into his steak.
Before I even knew it,
I fell asleep.

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