The Gamer Girl: Jake

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Beforehand info: a tad bit of sexism. Not too severe, though. Enjoy😊
Your POV
"SHOOT IT, Y/N!" Jake yells at you while your shooting at some zombies. Jake and you decide to go to the arcade since he had the day off and you had nothing to do. Jake was your best friend and your gaming buddy.
"Which it?!" you yell back. "They're everywhere!"
"All of them!"

You began shooting randomly at the zombies that were coming towards you on the screen. You two beat the level thanks to your random shooting.
"Alright!" Jake said happily and you high five.
"Next level!" you say excitedly.
"What the hell is a girl doing in our territory?" you heard a guy question.

You look up and see a group of guys coming up to Jake and you.
"Do you have a problem with that?" you sass. "Or are you just over here to start some drama?"
"Don't get smart with me!" the guy snapped.
"I wasn't getting smart," you say. "I was asking a question. Do you have a problem with me being here?"
"We should probably go-" Jake begins.
"Hold on," you say holding your hand up to silence Jake.
"Shouldn't you be at the mall with your 'girlfriends' talking about boys and makeup?" the guy continued putting air quotes around "girlfriends."

"Y/N," Jake said. "We really need to go. Like now!"
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" you interrogate ignoring Jake. "I'm just here to have fun. Is that a crime?"
"It's a crime on our turf!"
"What f*cking turf?! Do you pay to keep this place with running water and good lighting?"
"Y/N!" Jake begged yanking your shirt. "We. Have. Got. To. Go!"
"You little b!tch!" the guy spat and shoved you.
"I'm the little b!tch?! Look at who just inappropriately put their hands on a girl and I'm the b!tch?! You know what? F*ck you!"
"You wish you slut!"

He and his friends turn away laughing. A gray cloud with lightning bolts coming out of it must have been forming over your head because Jake pulled you out the arcade and into the car.
"Cmon, y/n," Jake says. "Let's go to In-and-Out."
"Yeah sure," you mutter.
"Don't let them get to you," Jake says to you. "I know you can put up a fight. I don't think he wanted to see that side of you." You start giggling a bit. "It's true! I'd rather get kicked out of In-and-Out for a month than get kicked out the arcade for life with your fighting."
"You're right," you say. "Let's get some food. I'm starving."

You guys get there, order your food, and sit down. You were beatboxing while Jake was freestyle rapping.

"My name is Jake

I like cake

And my brother's middle name is Blake"

"OOOOOOHHHH!" you exclaim and you and Jake do your little handshake.
The waiter comes over with your food and you dig in.
"Have you heard Myles' new song?" Jake asked you.
"Not yet," you reply.
"I don't think he's okay," Jake inferred.
"What makes you say that?"
"The song was-"

Before he could finish his thought, you felt someone's hand on the back of your head and your face is smashed into your burger that was on the tray. You had ketchup on your eyelashes and mustard plastered all over your face. You turn around to see the a**hole from the arcade.
"You bastard!" you shout at him and get up from your seat.
"Oh I'm sorry," he says sarcastically. "Are you gonna start crying? Is mascara gonna fall down your face along with your tears lil b!tch?"
"You think that's the only thing that's gonna fall?" you say through gritted teeth.
"Are you threatening me?"
"Maybe," you retorted crossing your arms.

The guy pushes you to the floor and everyone's heads turn.
"Not so threatening now are you?" the guy said smirking and turned away.
Big mistake.
You get up and hop on the guy's back. You cover his eyes and pull on his hair while he's yelling out in pain. He removes your hand from his eyes and tries to prey you off of him.
"Get the f*ck off me you little b!tch!"
You take both your hands around his neck. He falls to his knees and on the floor. You get off him and kicked him in the stomach. Then, you kneel down and meet his eyes.
"By the way," you say,"the name's y/n. Not little b!tch."

Everyone applauds you and you wipe the mustard and ketchup off your face.
"I'll finish this at your house," you tell Jake while packing up the rest of your unfinished food.
"Okay," he says and you both walk out the restaurant.

"That was amazing!" Jake complimented you.
"Thanks," you say with a smile.
"Hey! You wanna play some Call of Duty when we get to my house?"
"Is this a stupid question?" Jake looked hurt and confused by your response until you said, "Of course I would!"
That rap was probably the best thing I've ever written! #Bars


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