Y/n: Ok supper would be ready soon. Be downstairs by sundown

Cinos: I will

Y/n: Ok see you later

Cinos: Bye bye

You leave and head downstairs to see how Max is doing. You go in the throne room and see him crying.

Y/n: Max what is wrong?

Max: I don't know, I just have a feeling that I will lose her again

Y/n: Max she will be fine

Max: Well she should be home soon

Y/n: That's true and besides supper will be ready soon

Max: Great I can't wait for supper

Blood then comes flying in the throne room with a big smile on her face.

Blood: Is it that day again?

Y/n and Max: What day?

Blood: My favorite meal day silly

Y/n: Yea why?

Blood: Great I am so happy

You turn to see Max with a big happy smile on his face.

Y/n: Max what are you smiling about?

Max: I just love to surprise my sis it makes her so happy that it warms my heart

Y/n: That's sweet Max

Max: Thanks I try my best to make my sister smile

Y/n: Oh Blood we have a new guard for you and he is staying in your room

Blood: What?! What is his name?

Y/n and Max: His name is Cinos

Blood: Well I guess he could stay in my room but he would have to stand by my door at night

Max: But what about Sonic?

Blood: I will just put a force field around me to protect my while I sleep

Max: Ok, you better head upstairs and shower for supper

Blood: Ugh fine

Max: Good, that goes for you too (y/n)

Y/n: Ok

You and Blood go upstairs and shower. Blood lets you go first and heads I her room to meet the guard.

Cinos: Hello, you must be princess Blood

Blood: Yes I am and you must be Cinos

Cinos: Yep that's me

Blood: It's nice to meet you

Cinos: It's nice to meet you too

Blood looks at Cinos with careful eyes

Cinos: Is something wrong my dear?

Blood: You look like someone I know

Cinos: Oh, just to let you my dear I am Sonic's cousin

Blood: Are you a crazy killer to?

Cinos: -chuckles- No my dear

You knock on Bloods door.

Y/n: Blood the shower is all yours

Blood: Ok I'm coming

Blood grabs her night gown and heads to the shower. You go inside her room

Cinos: Oh hello Queen (y/n)

Y/n: Please just call me (y/n)

Cinos: Ok (y/n). Hey can I ask you something?

Y/n: Sure

Cinos: Blood told me about a guy name Sonic who is my cousin, can you explain to me what happened to him and her? He has told me so much about her

Y/n: Well I don't really know much but he is a crazy killer that will do anything to get what he wants. He killed my friend Dexter just to get to me. Then he hurt his friend Tails and he kidnapped me and took me away. Now I think that since Blood has returned he wants to kill me for some reason

Cinos Pov~

I listened to what (y/n) was telling me and I thought to myself. The only reason Sonic wants you dead is because you know to much information about him and he could go to jail if you tell the cops. She then finally stops talking.

Cinos: Wow I never knew that my cousin would do such a thing to people

Y/n: I know right

Blood comes out the shower and tells you and Cinos that it is time for supper. You and Cinos head downstairs with Blood and sit on the table with Max and the other guards.

Max: So Cinos Blood and (y/n) told me that you are Sonic's cousin. Is this true?

Cinos: Yes unfortunately it is true. (y/n) told me everything about him. I just don't understand why would he become so cruel?

Max: It's ok (y/n) and my sister is safe now that you are here

Max stands up and raises his glass. Everyone Stands up as Max says " To Cinos for becoming the new guard". Everyone repeats what he says and sits down.

Time skip~

Supper has finished and everyone told each other goodnight and headed to their rooms. Blood and Cinos head to her room and gets ready for bed. Blood and Cinos gets ready for bed and goes to sleep. Cinos wakes up In the middle of the night.

( It's official I hate doing this but I will not stop. By the way there is only a few parts left until the end of the story. Will you be able to send Sonic away or will you die in the end? I don't know stay tuned my angels :)

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