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The Elementalists in Kindergarden:

Shinji: breaks all the crayons, loses his supplies and then accidentally steals the other kids' things, always participates and asks a lot of questions

Sean: gets scolded for using his outdoor voice, colors outside of the lines, gets up from his seat when he's not supposed to, cries because other kids chase him around with bugs

Ross: loves nap time, tries to act mature for his age but gets upset when he gets grape juice instead of orange, stands up to other kids when they mess with his friends (ex. when other kids chase Sean around with bugs)

Akechi: keeps fruit snacks in his pockets, has the 64-crayon box set with the sharpener, always draws himself during art time

Naga: draws pictures for the teacher, shares her lunch with everyone, always holds hands with her friends, brings goody bags for the class on holidays and her birthday

Yumeno: tries to bring her dog to school, that one kid everyone is friends with, is a mess after recess and/or art time, eats play dough

Kashima: super competitive, plays tag too seriously, gets upset when someone beats her in games, hogs the swing during recess

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