Our story

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You haven't visited the Matsuno household for over two weeks now - you definitely had a good reason as to why you didn't even want to see them for a while. Especially not Ichi. As much as you loved the sextuplets, they've been giving you too much trouble as of lately, especially the last time you paid a visit. At first it was all fine and dandy, that is, until you had a 'little' fight with them. It's unclear to you how it really started, but in the end, the seven of you ended up talking about personal matters, love life and such. It was unbearably awkward; you've never really liked anyone, you just tend to stay away from people as much as you can, hoping you can avoid having to deal with them. It somehow turned into a huge fuss afterwards: it was up to Ichimatsu whether the fight ended or not - it was because of him, after all, yet he did nothing about it. Karamatsu started yelling out of nowhere, saying things like "Tch, as if I'd let you become a Karamatsu girl" and other confusing stuff, then Ichi snapped. He shouted not only at Kara, but you as well; "Stop spouting goddamn nonsense, nobody wants to be a 'Karamatsu girl' or whatever. And you, (y/n), everything was calm and normal until you came along, now look at them. You made idiots out of them, this is all your fault! Oh, but it's too late now, you forgot to get lost when you were supposed to. We don't need you here, you're just a stupid woman, go cause trouble somewhere else."

You grunted, tossing and turning in the bed you nearly never left during these two weeks you spent isolated from everybody else but your cat. After Ichi's remark, everyone went silent for a while, then he got asked whether or not he wanted you to keep visiting them. He didn't answer, and he hasn't answered since, which made you quite upset. Ever since you left that day, you've been thinking of a solution to this little problem. It's not that you couldn't forgive Ichi, he was completely right, but for whatever reason, it kind of hurt you a lot more than you expected. You running off only made the rest of the brothers worry, and after the first night's endless phone ringing, you decided it would be best if you took a break from modern technology and completely avoided being connected to the outside world.

Everyone makes poor choices sometimes, this was one of the many poor decisions you've made, you've started to realize, and by that, you didn't really know whether you meant ever meeting them or running away instead of solving the problem like an adult. You finally accepted the fact that you horribly missed the sextuplets; that only meant one thing you had to do: go and visit them even if they don't want to see you. With that thought in mind, you jumped up from your bed, the sudden motion making you a bit uneasy on your feet, slowly moving towards your wardrobe to put a hoodie and something comfortable on, not even bothering with fixing your hair; you were going to be back in the bed as soon as you came home, why should you waste energy on something so unnecessary?

On your way there you thought about many things. For example, how much more comfortable it was without having to wear a bra; you were lazy, also, you had no masochistic tendencies. Why would you want to suffer in that portable breast jail? Your hoodie was convenient enough. You also realized how much you were beginning to act like Ichi. Well, you've always been like this, comparing yourself to him was just an excuse. Being near him was even more comfortable than not having a bra. With him around, you could be your quiet, antisocial self without having to worry about people considering it odd.

You came to a halt in the middle of the road, almost making a cyclist run over you; the realization hit you about something you should've registered a lot earlier. Ichi. You were like Ichi. Why exactly him of the 6 brothers? You were like Choromatsu sometimes, but never made a comment on that, yet why do you keep saying you're identical to Ichi-kun? There had to be only one answer; maybe, you kinda liked him. Just a tiny bit - like a brother, maybe? Either way, now that you realized something so absurd, you definitely had to confirm it. If what you thought was true, things were going to become a lot more complicated than they were before, but if it turned out to be false, you could finally stop worrying about your situation. You had to visit him and check it for yourself.

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