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I know the title seems, I don't know crazy, but listen, it's true. Oh by the way, I'm Alaina. It's crazy cuz my mom won't stop having kids!! Grrrr. Well, me and Alex, my twin brother are the oldest, the there is 6 year old Alexandra, 5 year old Aubrie, 4 year old Arnold, and 2 year old Allen Jr. And my mom and dad (Audrey and Allen) decided why not let's make it 7 kids! Yay!  Well I get this one, I called dibs. My mom said WHATEVA!! But tonight I get to hang out with my best friend Lauren,  Alex told me to get better friends but, then again Butthole, YOUR THE ONE WHO'S DATING HER!! Geez. Whatever. At least she picked the night that we were having Butthole's favorite dinner, deer soup. I guess my dad got a REALLY big deer and my mom accidentally bought a lot of broth so every week we have deer soup. So, that's pretty much what you need to know!

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