How did I get here?

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Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC, thats Hatoris job :D

SIDE NOTE: So this chappies fun fact is... THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC! :O Amazing, right? I'm so proud :P Let me know how I'm doing please, and correct my spelling/grammar, but no 'I hate this'and PLEASE don't curse in commenting, only ones allowed would be crap damn and ass. No f**k $**t and other strains of cussing. Thank you!



Asira, trudging through the rain, struggling not to slip in the mud, as a sleek black limo pulls up next to her. 'Great, a creepy limo just pulled over. I'm SO screwed.' "Yo, you're the new girl. Right? What're you doing in the rain? Where's your car?" a pair of voices call. 'Oh, those twincest guys. They're in my

class. Huh...' "Whatdaya want? Aren't you gonna be late, chasing after girls in the rain?" she says, sarcastically. "Oooh. Fiesty, right brother?" they said mockingly. "Sorry about being concerned. Bye now!" she sighs, and walks over. "Can you give me a ride? I wont bite you." she says. "Bite? Why would we be worried about you biting us?" they ask. "Oh, you haven't heard? Well, wouldn't want to taint your precious image of me.... So, will you give me a lift?" she says. "I dont know....  You are kinda rude. Let us discuss." they say, and their heads connect. "I don't know Kaoru, she seems annoying." Hikaru says. "Think, Hikaru! A new toy! Haru is getting kinda boring." Kaoru implores. "Hmm... You're right Kaoru... How about..." "A game." they say, turning to Asira. "Tell who's who, and you get a ride." 'Weird but sure, this is really wet and muddy.' "'Kay, I'm game. So are you gonna muss up your hair and switcharoo like how those fangirls are always talking about the 'Which One is Hikaru-kun' game? Come on, or are we all going to be late?" Asira says impatiently. "Ok, ok, lets play!" the twins muss up their hair looking exactly alike, and swap so many times while twirling to add to the confusion, and finally come to a stand-still. "Guess, girlie, guess!!!" they exclaim, unable to contain their excitement. "Geez, fine, I'm going. Its which one is Hikaru-kun, right?" they nodded. "Well thats easy. The one that isn't Kaoru-kun." she said, with a straight face. "Wron- Waaaaiiiit a second!!! Thats not how you play the game!!" the twins yelled, shocked at being outsmarted. "You said which is Hikaru-kun, so I stated my answer, which was, btw, CORRECT!" Asira smirked, then climbed inside their limo. "Coming, boys? Don't want to be late now, do we?" she said. "BUT THATS NOT FAIR!!! KAORU, BACK ME UP ON THIS!!!" Hikaru yelled. "Get in the car, it was fair. Your fault for not stating the rules." Kaoru mumbled, getting in the limo next to Asira. "B-but, KAORU DONT TAKE HER SIDE!!!! She could at least sit in the middle, instead of forcing you to give up your window seat!!" Hikaru says, losing steam. "Shut up Hikaru-kun, you're too noisy. Get in the car!" Asira snapped. He slid in next to Kaoru, looking a tad sheepish. "Oh, and sorry Kaoru-kun, for taking your window seat. That was what Hikaru-kun was yelling about, right?" Asira said, a few minutes later. "Oh, uh, yeah. No problem, I can see out just fine from here." Kaoru said, a bit dumbstruck. That dragon a few minutes ago was tamed to be this cute girl who was apologizing for something his brother had mentioned? Who was this girl? "Hey, this may be a weird thing to say, since we really don't know each other, but..." Asira said suddenly, and Kaoru looked over. "What is it?" A confession of love? Hope not, that would ruin this... what is this, exactly? Friendship? Aquaintanceship? "Uhm... Hikaru-kun fell asleep, and he's drooling on your sleeve..." Asira said, interupting his train of thought. "Huh?" Kaoru said, looking at his leaky faucet of a brother. "Gross! HIKARU, HARUHI IS GETTING MARRIED TO HANI-SEMPAI!" Kaoru shouted, and Hikaru bolted up, wide awake. "YOU CANT BE SERIOUS!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS???!!!!" Hikaru hollered, astonished. "Nope I'm not serious, but you were drooling on me, and Asira-chan saw you." Kaoru said, smirking. "Yeah, thats nasty Hikaru..."

"Hikaru. Hikaru! Wake up idiot! You're drooling again." Kaoru's voice pierced the veil of dream-world. "Huh? I fell asleep? Where are we?" Hikaru said, still half asleep. "We're late for school, baka. Come on!" Kaoru said, prodding his brother. Huh... What was I dreaming about..? Wait... The day we met Asira? Weird... "Hey, Kaoru, remember when we met Asira?" Hikaru said. Kaoru nodded. Hikaru thought he could see a splash of red tinting his brothers face, but he turned around too fast to see. Shrugging, Hikaru asked, "Did we ever figure out why she promised not to bite us?" Kaoru turned back around. "She bit a guy who asked her out, remember? He was bleeding." Kaoru replied, pulling on his shoes. "Why?" Hikaru shrugged. "Just a dream. Come on, we're late!"

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