What is LIFE?

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Hey guys it's Angel-san!!! This is the first poem that I've ever written so it might be a bit, I don't know how to put it with out degrading myself, but it's a bit sucky. I figured I'd go in order with the poems I've written though so I'm showing every one no matter what. And by the way I'm not going to be able to post regularly with this. Anyway, enough rambling! Hope you enjoy! Now, on with the poem!

What is life?
I asked a child once and he said living
Quite funny as it is a verb for the word

I asked an old man,
and he said spending time
Spending time with loved ones
Spending time with your thoughts
Spending time with a crazy mind
Spending time that doesn't go by
The kind of spending that's waiting
Just spending time until there is no time left

What is life?
You ask me?
Well life you see,
Is as simple as can be
I made an analogy

Life is bitter
Life is sweet
Life is putting words to paper,
And falling in love

Life is falling off a cliff
Its a seemingly never ending ride
And you always wish you could hide
You always hit bumps along the road
Waiting till you grow old

My answer to a question that little boy couldn't answer is just what I've mentioned all this time

Time is what life is
LIFE is waiting
Life is waiting for your time to come,
All the way up until

The end

I hope you guys like it! My friend gave me the idea for falling off a cliff. He was mad at me for taking that and putting in the poem so I'm meantioning it for him. I take requests if you have any questions to be answered so ask away if you want! And rememember, COMMENT, vote, and follow!


Original Poems By MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin