Bad loser (Dark link x Reader)

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"I will beat your monochrome ass this time!"

"Which one?" they both said in unison. You laughed your colorful one off at that. Ben and Dark Link were competing on a little Legend of Zelda fighting hack game and LJ had simply joined in. You had too, actually, but could see the fight was more tense between both Link cosplayers so you let them play. LJ wasn't smart enough to notice -or more like, was indeed smart enough but also stubborn enough to keep playing, pretty much to just mess with them. It had been.. what? Half an hour? Full of 3 minute rounds. That makes about 10 rounds of which Ben had won 4, Dark Link 5 and LJ 1. I know I don't have to say this but LJ wasn't as good at them, yet he enjoyed just being there and distracting them. He was pretty good at it. He kept doing random comments or laughing when one of them got a beating, nagged when his made-up combos didn't work and stuff... It was pretty entertaining, you had to admit.

"Combo! Combo! Combo!" Ben started.
5... 4...

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

"No no no! C'mon Link! Dash!!"

"Cooomboo... HAAA!"

*gyaaa!* (or however you spell the little sound Link does)

Winner: Ben!

"Ooohhhh yeah, baby!" "It's not fair, my controller got jammed..." "Excuses, excuses" laughed Ben in Dark Link's face. "Haha, whatever. Hey, look! I didn't die so many times this time!" LJ exclaimed, at what you clapped, "Congrats, Laughing! Maybe next time you'll only die 6 times" "Haha, funny because it's true. Anyways, I'm gonna get going. Fun messing with your little game, guys!" LJ said and left the room, the small grey room of Darkie. As soon as LJ closed the door after him Ben sprung up "Hey, did you see that combo?!" he asked-shouted at you. "Heh, yeah. Pretty awesome" you answered him. "Ugh, I've done better ones" Dark Link nagged. "Then why didn't you do them now?" "I told you, my controlled stopped working" "Sore loser" "For real!" Then they started yelling at each other, both talking over each other, you couldn't even make out what they were saying, "Cheater" "Sore loser" "Stupid controller" "Lame excuse" were some phrases you understood.

Until they both stopped and said in unison "Y/N, what do you think?" Now that's some awesome sync. "Uh..." was all you could say. "Tell him that my controller was mugged!" "No! Tell HIM that he needs to learn to lose!" "Says the crybaby who begged for a rematch after the first round!" "Well I didn't know how good you were, I was just testing you!" "Excuses, excuses!" "Y/N!" they both screamed again. Damn, how did they manage that? "Alright. I don't know if what you both say is true or not, but I know you're pretty much tied now, let's just finish this for once and for all and have a rematch. No power-ups, no special attacks, no nothing. Just you, your swords and shields" They both nodded after your little speech finished and got their controllers, giving each other a glance. "So, guess you're in?" you said after a while of staring at them both staring at each other. "Yeah!" nodded Ben. "Guess so" shrugged Darkie, "didn't think you'd be so excited about having your ass kicked, midget" he grinned. "That doesn't even make sense, we're both the same height!" nagged Ben before sighting, "but whatever, if you're so sure you'll win why not make this a bit more interesting?" now it was Ben who grinned at his monochrome twin. "Whatcha have in mind?" Dark Link asked, at what Ben stood up and left the room. Dark Link and you looked at each other before following him down the stairs and into the kitchen.

By the time you got there Ben had already taken out two Red Solo Cups from the drawers and was taking out a bottle of Root Beer from the fridge. You thought of telling him to pour you a glass too but shrugged the idea off when you saw him returning to the fridge. "Y/N, fetch me a marker?" Ben asked. You turned at the table and saw Sally had been drawing a while before so you grabbed a dark blue marker and kept watching as Ben practically dumped a perfect glass of Root Beer. The dude poured ketchup, mayonnaise, taco sauce, sriracha sauce and soy sauce on it! You honestly felt bad right there and then. Ben whistled at you in order to get your gaze from the bubbling glass of doom and motioned for the marker. You threw it at him across the table and he caught it, writing something on both glasses afterwards. On the meanwhile you walked over to him and Dark Link tried to look over his shoulder. Ben then finished and placed the glasses on the table for both of you to see. There was 'Cool winner' cup and 'Bad loser' cup. Bad loser glass was the yucky one, in case you were wondering. Dark Link gave Ben a 'you kidding' look and he shrugged, "What? I got it from a tv show" You giggled at the twisted punishment but couldn't bottle your enthusiasm, not for being mean but you really wanted to see one of them drinking that.

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