Hold Your Hand (Mary Margaret)

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 You had taken your seat at the back of the movie theatre. You were extremely excited, because you were here to see the newest horror movie. Horror was your favorite genre and you had been waiting a long time for this movie to come out. You hardly noticed the dark-haired woman who took a seat beside you. As the lights went down and the movie started, you heard a soft voice in your ear.

"Hi. I know we don't know each other but I convinced myself to come and see this movie and I'm honestly terrified. Can I hold your hand?" She asked nervously.

You looked at her, shocked by her beauty and nodded. She smiled as she slipped her small hand into your larger one. You put your arm on the armrest and you felt her lay her head on your shoulder. When she was scared, she squeezed your hand slightly and buried her head in your neck. You smiled at the contact every time.

When the movie was over, the two of you got up and started to walk out. You didn't even realize you two were still holding hands until you were stopped in the parking lot by someone asking how long the two of you had been dating. Both of you turned a bright shade of red and dropped the other's hand. As the two of you walked in silence, she turned to you.

"So what's your name?" She asked.

"Y/N. What's yours?" You replied.

"Mary Margaret." She said.

"A beautiful name for a truly beautiful girl." You told her.

She blushed slightly and looked up.

"Well this is my car. I'll see you around?" She said.

"Definitely." You stated as you turned to walk to your car.

This was a night you most definitely would not forget.

Word count: 305

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