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Jeff grinned at the Soldiers who were taking him to a shiny car. "What? Ain't got the guts to drag me? Use a little violence?"

The guards tensed a bit but otherwise didn't react.

Jeff frowned. That just wouldn't do. He decided to try and rile them up some more. "Or are you too chicken?" He gasped. "Oh I know now! It's because I got a higher score than you! Isn't it?" He grinned mockingly. "Tell me, how does it feel knowing you were beaten by someone younger than you? You became Thirteens at, what, twenty summers? I was a Thirteen when I was actually thirteen summers." He shrugged, trying (and failing) to look innocent. "But what can you do? I'm just a prodigy who's smarter than his superiors."

The Soldier on his left clenched his fist. Jeff had to duck his head to hide his grin. "Davie, didn't you get a 926? And you Steve? A 97—"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to get on my men's nerves each time you get in trouble." A female voice said. Jeff looked over to see a woman approaching him. He immediately recognized the long hair and medals on her uniform. "Hiya Heather!" He greeted as if he didn't have two murderous Soldiers looming over him. The two quickly saluted Heather. "Sir!"

"At ease." Heather's eyes seemed to shoot daggers at Jeff. "I'll take care of him from here."


"I cannot believe this! I leave for five hours and come back only to hear that you've gotten yourself in trouble again. This is going to reflect badly on me you know." Heather was furious. Jeff couldn't see the big deal. So what if he went off on a little journey to the Silver and Gold districts? Nobody got hurt. Also, the mysterious thief known as 'Cold' (such an original name yeah?) had escaped the Army's clutches more times than they could count. He always managed to fool them into thinking there were three of him. Jeff counted his little endeavor as a means of training.

"'Jeff Winchester appears to have wandered off campus at 0937 hours. He was later found in the Gold sector at approximately 1320 hours in the Department of Plant Care seemingly inspecting the area. He ran off and was caught 47 minutes later. Suspended for a week!'" Heather yelled, ignoring the driver's reprimands. She turned to Jeff, who was slouching lazily. Jeff opened an eye and smirked. "You've gotta admit, I did pretty good at evading them."

Heather growled. "That isn't the point here! You deliberately left school grounds just to fool around! During school hours!"

"'Fooling around' is so harsh. Let's call it, exploring." Jeff suggested.

"And to make matters worse, you went to the Gold district! You're supposed to stay in Sapphire or at least Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby!" Heather snapped. Her eyes were blazing.

"Speaking of which," Jeff sat up. "I noticed that the place isn't as pretty as Sapphire. What's up with that?"

Heather's eyes widened slightly. "...You shouldn't have left. You may live alone but you're only sixteen summers. I'm still counted as your guardian. I'm held responsible for everything you do." She scolded, trying to change the subject. Jeff wasn't going to let her. He prepared himself to point that out. He took a deep breath.

"Then you shouldn't have applied to become my guardian." Fell out of his mouth. That isn't what I was gonna say!

As Jeff mentally berated himself, he just barely noticed Heather relaxing. She glared. "Of course I had to. I owe your parents that much." Just as she realized what she had said she quickly reacted. "I apologize for bringing that up." She said, bowing her head slightly. "I accept your apology." Jeff said tightly, turning to look outside.

An awkward silence ensued.

The driver coughed. "We're here Officer." He informed Heather, who was looking over some files about her most recent case. She looked up. "What? Oh, right." The two got out of the car and went inside the apartment complex. They stopped in front of Jeff's apartment. "I'm going to be gone on a mission tonight. Remember to take your capsule in the morning, do your assignments from school and please. Don't get in trouble again. Frankly, I'm amazed that you haven't gotten expelled yet. Sapphire's university is the most demanding." Heather's voice was filled with wonder.

Jeff smirked. "Well, I did get a score of 1197 on my Trial. I'm pretty sure they want—no, need to keep me in the university so that I can become a Soldier." He said arrogantly.

Heather frowned before patting him on the head. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard all that before. Now scurry on home little prodigy." She pushed him forward but he dug his heels into the ground. "Before you push me into my room, which I do not appreciate," Heather rolled her eyes at that, "I have one question. Can I go on the mission? Pleeeeease?" Jeff asked (read: begged. No wait, Jeff Winchester does not simply beg. It just isn't done!)

Heather raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm going to let you after the stunt you pulled? Also, that was two questions." She deadpanned.

Jeff pouted (he would forever deny that.) "Dang it. I was hoping for some excitement." He muttered. "If your gun training doesn't excite you, I don't know what will." Heather laughed, clearly amused. "Well, I'll take my leave now. Goodnight and goodbye." She waved slightly before leaving.

Jeff entered his apartment and immediately flopped onto the couch. "Ugh! I'm so BOOOOORED! I wonder what they have on TV?"

Suddenly the lights went out.

"Dang it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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