To Be Free.

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Her life was perfect. Her life is perfect.

On the outside.

No one knows the things she suffers, from the inside and some times the out.

She wants to be free, but how can she? When to be free, she has to be rid of the people she loves?


She knew she wasn't alone, she had people all around her. But she felt alone.  All her life she has lived in the spotlight, people claiming to be her friends; boys claiming to be in love with her.

To everyone, she's perfect. She's pretty, she has a good boyfriend, great friends, and a good-looking older brother, and wealthy lineage.  No one suspects the broken, hurting girl inside.

Her home life has never been perfect. Her "Perfect" parents on a rocky realationship, her brother stressing about his future to her she is all alone.

She wants to be free. To be happy, and not have to pretend to be the perfect person that everyone things she is.

How can she be free if the people she needs to be free from is the people she loves?

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