Shrek The Pedifile

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    I feel my senses come back to me. I open my eyes, Shrek is sitting on the floor in front of me. He looks up at me, an evil grin curls across his perfect face. I find myself chained against a wall, a red 'X' painted above my head. My curly dark brown hair was no longer attached to my head, it was at my feet, in a bucket of some blue liquid.

    "Hello, beautiful" Shrek says in a mischievous tone.

    Oh shit. I am chained to a wall, and now Shrek is calling me beautiful. Why is he smiling at me like that? Where the hell are my pants!?

    Shrek approaches me slowly, a small object in his hand. I close my eyes until I feel his large body press up against mine. Keep your eyes shut! I say over and over to myself in my head. I feel Shrek move away, nothing seemed to have happened. Did he hug me? Is that an Oger's version of a hug? I still have my eyes closed. I picture Shrek in my head, he is still beautiful to me. No matter what happens, I will always love Shrek.

"Shrek is love, Shrek is life." I say softly, a smile spreading across my face.

    My eyes are still closed. Nothing has happened. I start to relax my tensed muscles, and I slowly open my eyes.


A stinging sensation fills my eyes, I can't see anything. What just happened to me? I began to cry, the overwhelming pain in my eyeballs is unbearable. I try to reach up to my face, so I can feel the damage, but I find that I cannot move, Shrek had me in chains, right.

I start to panic, I can't move, my eyes hurt like no pain I have ever experienced before. I am flailing all my muscles, trying as hard as I can to pull myself from these chains that hold me down.

"Why are you struggling, sweetheart. I am not going to hurt you... too much" He says

I immediately feel another whip against my leg. Another, at my shoulder. What an ammature, Shrek is. Doesn't he know? In order to hurt someone extensively with a whip, you must whip them repeatedly in one spot, duh, everyone knows that. Wait, why am I thinking this? I want to survive.

"Shrek... What... Are... You... Doing... To... Me..." I say in between the stings of the whip against my body.

"Oh lovely child, this is only the beginning. Wait until the real games start before you ask me questions." I seal my lips.This is the end, Shrek is a torturer.

The sound of the whip hissing through the air towards by body stops momentarily. I am relieved. But deep down I know, this is only the beginning, as Shrek told me.

All of a sudden, a rush of cool liquid splashes against my body, I still cannot see. The liquid seems to be harmless, other than the fact that it is extremely cold and smells like horse piss.

"What the fuck, Shrek! That didn't even phase me, nice try." I think to myself.

I know that this liquid must be some part of a master plan. Oh god.

There is a warmness lingering at my feet, it grows warmer, almost as it is moving closer. I feel a familiar hand grab my ankle. Shrek's. It gently removes my old sneaker from the right foot, then the left.

The warmth moves closer again. It is now right against my foot, like a fire, so hot I could melt. The stinging heat runs up my legs, until it covers my whole body. The smell of smoke filling the room. Fire, my beloved Shrek has set me on fire.

Almost as soon as I realize I am on fire, the fire is out. Once again I am covered in this frigid, horse piss-smelling liquid. My vision has begun to come back.

I see Shrek moving towards me again, he has a small silver key in his hand. He puts his hands around my neck, squeezes it, and lets go. A metal cuff falls to the ground and my head slumps forward. He squeezes my left arm, unlocking the chain that held it in place.

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