The Competition

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Danny's POV

I grabbed the rest of the bottle as the guys threw back their next shot and began to chug it down. I almost had the bottle of whiskey down before Cam noticed and snatched it away from me. I could already feel the warmth growing inside of me and turned to look at Ben who seemed to be in a completely different world.

"Ben. Ben. Ben. Ben. Beeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn..... Wha' the fuck are you starin' at?" I had already begun to slur my words and turned my head to look at the Blondie that had just waltzed into my fuckin' party.

"Cam is that-?" I could hear Ben shift behind me but I was trying to figure out what he saw in her. Yes she was beautiful, but a whore at that. Ben just wasn't one to get attached to her kind.

"Yep that's her. Ready for your next gift Danny?" I turned back to the guys and cocked an eyebrow as music began to play through the speakers that ran throughout the bar.

Sam placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me toward the bar just as the girl stood on one of the chairs, stepping onto the bar and began dancing to the beat. Her hand traced down the folds of her jacket and she began to slowly slide it off, never missing a beat. I could feel Tempest shift in front of me before she stood and raced to join the Blonde in her game.

The guys began to whoop and cheer as Tempest challenged the whore and slowly unlaced her corset. A grin spread across my face since I knew what she was doing. She was jealous and clearly wanted me to know it. It was one of the things I love about her, not only the fact that she was wild in bed.

Clothes began to come off and I was beginning to lose what little self control I had left. I jumped up from where I was sat and pushed through the tables, grabbing Tempest from the bar and planted my lips on hers ferociously. I needed her now so I carried her back to the bus and into my bunk.

Ben's POV

We all chuckled as Danny stumbled his way out with Tempest in his arms. I turned my attention back toward the blonde who had stopped dancing with Danny's departure. I stood and made my way over to her, leaning up against the bar with my elbow.

"Oi. Why doncha come have a drink with me and the lads? We don't bite, too hard." She laughed at that and grabbed her top, followed by her jacket and held a hand out to me.

I took her hand and helped her from the bar where she returned her shirt but kept her jacket folded over her arm. She sat between me and James who was sat with his girlfriend, Tasha, in his lap and they were playing tonsil tennis. I rolled my eyes as I gathered up the shot glasses and poured another round, passing them out to everyone. We threw those back and had a few more before I looked over at the girl, with my signature smirk.

"What happens to be your name, love?" She looked up at me over her glasses before placing a slender hand on mine.

"Averly. Not many people know me by my real name though. They all know me by Silk." Her hot breath grazed my ear as she emphasized the last part.

"Averly? What kinder name is tha'? Not very common tha's for sure. I like it though. Suits you." I could tell she wasn't sure on whether to be offended or not but I let out a sigh of relief when she smiled at me.

"Yeah? I'm glad someone thinks so." She licked up the side of my cheek until she reached my ear and nibbled on it gently. I held back a moan and closed my eyes as she continued to run her other hand through my hair.

"For fucks sake Ben, just take her to the bus and fuck her already!" James laughed and began kicking us out of the booth.

"I could say the same to you mate!" I chuckled, surprised James had taken a second from attacking Tasha's face to kick me out.

I could tell he was about to make another cheeky remark but was interrupted when the bell on the door rang and in walked a familiar face. Her short brownish hair and pale complexion was a dead giveaway but those sea green eyes I knew very well. I wasn't certain how Danny's cousin Aethia had found us out here in the middle of fuckin' nowhere but I was glad to finally see her again.

"BEN!" She ran up to me, only reaching to my mid chest as she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head into my chest.

"Hey there Aethia. How the fuck did you get here from England?" She pulled away from me and just grinned.

"Sammy boy rang me earlier and arranged everything. Where is my wanker of a cousin anyway?" She peeked behind me trying to spot Danny, looking back to me when she couldn't find him.

"He's back on the bus bu-" She didn't give me a chance to finish my warning, before she ran back out the door.

"Well she's in for a surprise." Cameron threw his head back laughing and I just lowered my head, shaking it to the left and right as I chuckled.

Averly began running her hands through my hair again and a moan escaped my lips, just as I was hit with something on the back of my head. I turned and glared at the guys as they all pointed toward the door. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around her as I led her out and began toward the coach. We were halfway there when the door flew open and Aethia stomped her way toward me.

"Why the fuck did you not stop me?! I didn't want to walk in and see my cousin fucking a girl!" She screeched at me as I just stood there and laughed.

"You didn't give me a fuckin' chance to warn you! You flew your happy arse out of the bar just as quickly as you came in!" I continued to laugh as she balled her fists and began beating on my chest with her fists, acting kinda childish but that was her way.

"Fuck you Bruce." She had finally stopped once she was tired and stepped back, crossing her arms.

"You wish you had." I smirked and gave her a wink.

"You are such an arse!" She smacked me across the cheek but not hard enough to actually hurt.

"Come on Aethia, harder, it's such a turn on." I grinned as she finally gave up and grunted as she stormed off inside the bar.

I quickly grabbed Averly and carried her onto the bus and back to my bunk, setting her inside and hopped in. The sound of Danny's and Tempest's moans filled the air and I took off my shoe, throwing it into his bunk.

"Shut the fuck up! Other people are trying to get their cock's wet too." I could hear Tempest laugh and Danny attempted to throw the shoe back at me but missed horribly.

I started to close the curtain but was pulled back onto her and into a ravenous kiss. I began to nip at her bottom lip as she slid her hands down to the hem of my shirt and pulled it up and off, throwing it aside. I slid my hands along her hips and up to the front of her top, unlacing it and ripping it open while I made sure to graze her breasts which made her moan. I grinned and gasped as a shiver worked it's way up my spine when her cold hands traced down my chest until they reached my pants and began to slide them off. I couldn't wait anymore. I hated to be teased so I slid her skirt off along with her black lace panties.

Soon our moans rang out and Tempest began to get louder, making this into a battle to see who the better fuck was. Averly was below me and screamed out as we both came simultaneously, making me the victor. She threw her clothes back on and hurried from the room, leaving me alone.

"Oi! hold up!" I threw my boxers on and ran to try to catch up to her but when I reached the bottom step of the bus and looked around she wasn't anywhere in sight. It was a fuckin' shame as I already had feelings for her and the only thing I knew about her was that she was a great fuck. I needed to find her again. She had stolen my heart at first glance and I just let her slip away so quickly...

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