"What were you thinking ordering Edwin and his team to grab Rosy?" Wade demands angrily as he turns towards me fully.

"Micah didn’t give the order," Sam says tightly as he walks over to join in the conversation. "Edwin has been looking to get his hands on Rosy since she left the secure room. When we were hunting he was hanging around her and trying to win her favour every chance he got."

"Did Rosy show any signs of interest in Edwin?" Wade asks hopefully.

"I think you’re looking to the wrong son here Wade," Doc says and I glance his way to see him looking at me.

"Yeah," both Dwayne and Sam say in unison.

"Well maybe we need to think about somewhere safe and secure for her until the drug has worn off fully," Wade says. "Like the cage in the containment shed - sheltered but well away from everyone. Someone can check on her at intervals, and when she is relatively calm Mitchell and Sam can try to talk to her. I would offer for her to go in the secure room in the house but I don’t want her near Jazzy while she is badly upset. We know there is no telling what she will do in any given situation."

"You can’t put her in a cage," Mitchell exclaims in distress.

"Mitchell, she will need time and space to calm down once she is fully conscious. Someone can look in on her every ten minutes or so," Doc says quietly. "She has a lot of new information to come to terms with. I can guarantee all this is a much bigger shock for her than it is for you and your brother."

"Well it’s settled then. Sam, Mitchell, take Rosy over to the shed and make her comfortable in the cage. Take a pillow and blankets as well as a bottle of water. Lock the cage and be back here in fifteen minutes," Wade orders firmly.

I see the look Mitchell gives Wade. He wants to object but he also wants Rosy to be safe once she starts to come around. And he wants to be able to try to talk to her when she does.

"You right with her?" Sam asks as Mitchell gets to his feet cradling her in his arms.

Mitchell frowns as he looks down at her then looks at Sam. "You take her. I know which blanket she will want with her."

I want to head over to the cage with them but I know I will be met with savage resistance. Sam and Mitchell believed they had no family but each other and their father; now they probably have a sister and will want her to themselves for a time.

"Micah, I need to talk to you for a short while," Wade says firmly and I look his way.

"How about we have a cup of coffee and I can see if that cut over your eye needs stitches. I can go check on Edwin afterwards," Doc says in a tone that leaves no room for arguments.

I head into the kitchen and opt for a beer rather than coffee as Doc makes a cup each for him and Wade. I wait until they make themselves comfortable at the table before seating myself in a chair and meeting Wade’s gaze evenly.

"Micah I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but things could be a little unsettled here for a while. Rosy is going to want to be near her brothers, if they are actually related and …"

"There’s no if about it, Wade. I asked Doc to come and talk to Rosy because of how attached those three are. Only I thought maybe Kurt Black’s father, Sam and Mitchell’s maternal grandfather had fathered one of her parents. There is talk he had a human girl friend," I say evenly. "I never suspected she could have the same mother as Sam and Mitchell."

"Rosy will have to stay here at the quarters for a while," Wade says quietly. "Nothing changes the fact she is a stray - well has the mentality of a stray. I need to be sure your sister is safe and that Rosy does not pose a threat to her. My previous orders as to the way she is to be treated remain."

Enter the Cat Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now