First kiss

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Dean - you and Dean where tied up by demons. Both bleeding. Dean looked at you quickly. " if were gonna die I just want to do this " he then kissed you and everybody lives.

Sam - you where at the park with him. You were reading a book he had gotten you. Housed it down and laid your head on his shoulder, he looked at you then he kissed you.

Cas - you were at the bunker next to Castiel watching doctor who. He was confused half the time which caused you to laugh. When the commercials came on he looked at you and titled his head you shook your head and got up on your knees and kissed him.

Gabe - you were running around his apartment with him chasing you. You had stolen his candy and his it now you won't tell him where, you fell onto the couch, tired. He sat by you and looked into your Y\E\C eyes then kissed you. " now where are they? " he said after pulling away.

Lucifer - he kissed you it leads to sex. The fucking end.

Balthazar - " how such wine did you drink? " you a asked when Balthazar walked in. " Y\N what makes you think I was drinking wine? " " because I know you " he shrugged at sat by you, kissing you quickly

Crowley - he was torturing someone when you came down to the basement. " darling, what now? " he asked. " nothing " he stopped torturing and walked over and kissed you. " now go back upstairs. You then happily waled upstairs

Charlie - you were playing video games. Well, losing. You groaned when you died. Charlie smirked. " sorry, baby " she kissed you and you smiled.

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