Chapter 1

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France's POV
I smiled lightly and leaned in, kissing Poland's cheek. He wrapped his arms around me making me smile brighter.

"How have you been Feliks?" I rubbed his back gently.

"Good, and you my kochanie?"

"Amazing, you look beautiful,Mon cheri." I hugged him a little tighter and fell over on my bed.

"Thank you Francis."

Poland's POV

I don't know how long I can keep this up. France loves me so much but I love Lithuania more. He looked so happy which made my heart hurt.

"Francis, I'm sorry, I have to go." I kissed his lips gently. It felt so wrong. I ran out quickly.

"Damn it, Lithuania is going to kill me." I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the French style mansion.

~Time skip~

I ran into the cafe and luckily, Lithuania wasn't there yet so I sat down at our favorite table and ordered a drink for me and Lithuania. Patting my pocket, I started to panic. Where was my phone!?

Lithuania's POV
P= "Poland" but it's actually France)

L: hey baby, I'm sorry I'm running late.

P: uh... It's fine... One question?

L: ...yes...?

P: how long have we been dating?

L: A year... Why? (Wow Lithy, is this not weird to you?)

P: okay! Thanks! It's fine... Bye!

I cocked my head and shrugged. That was weird.

Francey-pants POV

I dropped Poland's Mobyland phone on the floor. Tears jerking at the tips of my eyes. I fell backwards onto the cold floor. I could feel warm blood seep out of my head slowly but not enough to do any real damage. Rolling over, I saw that a had cracked the Polish fuck's phone horribly. Out of poor hatred and sadness, I snapped the phone in half and through it out an open window. My hair was dark red and sticky with crimson blood. I didn't know what to do. The only thing I could do was take a shower and go to America's house. He had been a great friend even through the wars we been in. I made my way to my bathroom. I felt numb, like everything was frozen, nothing mattered. I turned on the hot water and stepped in. The water felt no different. The feeling was gone, I hurried, got out and got dressed and sluggishly drove to America's house.

England's POV
"SHUT UP!!!" I flinched as America yelled at me. He can scare me when he gets mad. I yelled at him when the door burst open, showing a soaking wet France.

Thanks guys for reading! Luv ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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