Part 1

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Hey my name is Ariana. I have a best friend named Justin. Ive known Justin since we were in diapers. Our moms were best friends so we instantly became best friends. I'm 17 in high school, I'm a Junior. I live with my mom and my dad, no siblings. Now please don't hate me but I've been hiding something from Justin and its pretty big..

My boyfriends name is Luke and we've been dating for the past 2 years.. Lately he's been different and its scaring me like this one night when i went over his house...

*Flash Back*

I ducked as the glass shattered and hit the wall. Tears were streaming down my face. I ran to the other side of the living room and he caught me. He pinned me up against the wall and started yelling at me.

"NOW LISTEN TO ME, IF YOU EVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY EVER AGAIN. UNDERSTAND?" he yelled. I nodded and cried at the same time. I was shaking and I felt horrified. I only told him that i didn't want to drink any alcohol. Im not a alcohol type of girl and he knows that. He was drunk right now and then I felt a harsh smack on my cheek as I fell to the floor.

"Get the fuck out" he spat. I crawled to the door and managed to get to the car. Why does he do this to me? I don't get it he knows I hate him like this so why does he continue to do it? As I drove off i got a text from Justin.

Justin: Hey Ariana wanna sleepover tonight? The boys are coming over and we want you here too.

I want to go but i cant let them know about Luke and the slap.

Me: Sorry i cant go im busy tonight. Im sleepover Alexa's house tonight.

Justin: Are you sure you cant come over? Alexa can come over too if she wants.

Me: Im sorry Justin, maybe next time okay?

Justin: Okay goodnight baby girl

Me: Night jay

I didnt actually go to Alexa's house though. If i did she would freak over my face. Then she would have told her mom, and then my mom would find out. I didn't want that happening. When i got home mom wasn't there. She texted me saying she was working late tonight. I went to the kitchen, crabbed an ice bag and headed upstairs. I opened the door to my room, changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and went to bed.
I was so tired and in so much pain i held the icepack on my face and went to sleep.

*Flash Back Ended*

Ever since that night I've never been able to look at him the same way again. But for some reason i still love him. I don't know why, and i cant stop it. Plus I'm to afraid to end it, he said ill never see the light of day again. So I'm pretty sure if i try to break it off he'll kill me. So what do i do now? Do i tell Justin? Or should i keep quiet. I don't want Justin to get hurt. I know that he'd go after Luke if he found out. And Luke is not easy to beat up. I don't want Justin to get killed. I don't know a way out of this and i cant ask for help either.....

What do i do?

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